Xiaomeng Xu
Office: 2-178
Email: xxu at mit dot edu
I am now a Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT. I received my Ph. D. from University of Geneva under the supervision of Prof. Anton Alekseev in 2016. Here is my CV.
18.708. Topics in Algebra, Instructor (MIT 2017/18).
18.02. Multivariable Calculus, Recitation Instructor (MIT 2017/18).
MIT Primes Mentor 2017/19.
My research interests include Mathematical Physics, Symplectic and Poisson geometry, Representation Theory. My current research is partially sponsored by Swiss National Science Foundation Grant P2GEP2_165118, P300P2_174284 and P3P3P2_174285.
- On deformations of Frobenius manifolds. In preparation.
- Riemann Hilbert maps and Poisson groupoids. In preparation.
- Frobenius manifolds and quantum groups, arXiv:1801.00123.
- Stokes phenomenon and Yang-Baxter equations, arXiv:1808.07654.
- (w/ V. Toledano Laredo) Stokes phenomenon and quantum groups. In preparation. Part II in Thesis 2016.
- (w/ N. Ikeda) Current Algebras from DG symplectic Pairs in Supergeometry, arXiv:1308.0100.
- Stokes phenomenon, Gelfand-Zeitlin systems and relative Ginzburg-Weinstein linearization, Adv. Math. 338 (2018).
- (w/ Y. Sheng and C. Zhu) String principal bundles and Courant algebroids, Int. Math. Res. Not. (2019).
- (w/ A. Alekseev, F. Naef and C. Zhu) Chern-Simons, Wess-Zumino and other cocycles from Kashiwara-Vergne and associators, Lett Math Phys,108 (2018).
- Irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, Alekseev-Meinrenken dynamical r-matrices and Drinfeld twists, Int. Math. Res. Not. 23 (2018), 7420-7456.
- (w/ H. Lang and Y. Sheng) Strong homotopy Lie algebras, homotopy Poisson manifolds and Courant algebroids, Lett. Math. Phys. 107 (2017).
- Generalized classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equations and moduli spaces of flat connections on surfaces, Commun. Math. Phys. 341 (2016).
- (w/ Z. Liu and Y. Sheng) The Pontryagin class for pre-Courant algebroids, J. Geom. Phys. 104 (2016).
- (w/ H. Lang and Y. Sheng) Nonabelian Omni-Lie algebras, Banach Center Publications, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw (2016).
- (w/ N. Ikeda) Canonical functions, differential graded symplectic pairs in supergeometry, and Alexandrov-Kontsevich-Schwartz-Zaboronsky sigma models with boundaries, J. Math. Phys, 55 (2014).
- Twisted Courant algebroids and coisotropic Cartan geometries, J. Geom. Phys. 82 (2014).