With the high-quality compression ratio supported in XviD Codec, a large-sized movie file can be easily compressed to retain DVD quality while fitting on a CD-ROM. Though you may be using a file with .XVID extension, numerous file containers can store XviD content. Depending on the creator, the video file might have different names, such as xyz.xvid.avi.

XviD Media Codec includes the open-source MPEG4 codec, which comes from the same open-source project that was the basis for DivX 4.x/5.x. The XviD codec will enable you to watch XviD movies. There's no XviD Player included, but with this codec installed on your machine, you can view XviD Movies with a media player, such as WMP or WinAmp.

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Note, I typically get my codecs from packman packaged libffmpeg and w32codec-all. If I am still missing a codec from those, then I look at the codec I need, and I search for it on the Pacman web site. If you find there is an avi you can not play, then let us know the specific codec it needs, so forum volunteers can try help. Sometimes pointing to a sample file on the web (with the identical codec) can be useful in helping others understand your problem.

Note you will be able to play dvds with smplayer, and also with kaffeine. Stay way from vlc for now (until its bugs are fixed). I can not help you with totem, but I ask you not be stubborn with trying to get totem functioning, when there are excellent alternatives. Once you get smplayer/kaffeine working with DVDs, you can then waste your time on totem.

The WD TV box currently support AVI-Xvid. Lots of programs that write to AVI format use AVI-DivX. Playing an AVI-DivX on the WD TV player results in jumpy video playback. DivX is a commercial codec, while Xvid is a non-commercial codec that is almost the same. Is there a plan to add support for AVI-DivX?

You aren't going to find a HTML5 player which supports the formats you listed. You can find a chart here showing which browsers support which codec. AVI and XVID aren't supported by any browser, you can however get around playing flv by using a flash player.

[quote="natemc"]I've been having tons of trouble lately with XVID encoded movies on aTV Black and Infuse 2.2 (I bought pro) on an iPad 3, I have tried these files in VLC and QuickTime and they sync up just fine. The only players having issue with them is media player and Infuse. I was going to attempt to reinstall aTV black but I can't even download the old installers as it says my subscription has run out. x264 videos still work just fine on both, its just xvid AVI and MOV containers showing issues.[/quote]

I am, right now, targeting, at minimum, the MMX/233 era systems for performance for media players. Mostly because I know I can get acceptable quality MPEG-1 video files to play on them and stream over HTTP, with caveats mentioned below...

For just playing media files:

WMP 6.4 is probably the best here, as long as you install all the codecs you need for it. It seems to be the fastest at pretty much everything. WMP 9 also does a pretty good job! But it only works on 98SE, I think.

Also, it's old software... although it can play any AVI you could find (provided you had the codecs installed), it didn't support hardware acceleration (at least that old version) and I don't remember if it could play .mkv at all.

Besides that, WMP 6.4 (I'm not fan of Microsoft apps, but if an AVI can't play on it probably won't play in any other player) or any player that supports hardware acceleration on your card... but there are not many for Windows 9x, and they are for special files (i.e.: PowerDVD can only accelerate DVDs, not DivX).

So I have been trying to play certain .avi files with QuickTime that I BELIEVE have been encoded with the XviD codec. At first, no sound played at all. After installing a bunch of different codec files, including packages such as Perian and codecs such as DivX, XviD, and AC3. I finally managed to get QuickTime to play these videos with sound for about a second, after which the sound cuts out. Also, if I rewind or skip to another point in the video, the sound will restart again for about one second and then cut out once more.

I should mention that these videos work perfectly when I play them with the DivX player. Does anyone have any suggestions or anyone with similar issues? I am currently running OS X 10.7 (Lion) on a new MacBook Pro 15"

After installing a bunch of different codec files, including packages such as Perian and codecs such as DivX, XviD, and AC3. I finally managed to get QuickTime to play these videos with sound for about a second, after which the sound cuts out. Also, if I rewind or skip to another point in the video, the sound will restart again for about one second and then cut out once more...Does anyone have any suggestions or anyone with similar issues?

As stated on the Perian "Support" web page, "Please consider removing obsolete QuickTime Components: FFusion, Xvid Delegate, 3ivX, DivX, DivX Decoder, XviD, msmpeg4v1, msmpeg4v2, AviImporter, EX_M4S2, Casio AVI Importer, AC3 Codec, and MatroskaQT." Having multiple codecs for the same compression formats can create component conflicts. Since Perian component package supports all of the named codecs, it is not necessary to have both Perian and the named codecs simultaneously installed.

I'm having the same problem, the only codec-related-anything I've installed is perian before I upgraded to Lion. Not to sound petty but I'm kinda relieved I'm not the only one! I didn't think I was gunna find any sort of post that described my problem exactly, I'm not usually lucky like that.

I have to same problem with an xvid avi. I only have Perian installed, OS X Lion on a new macbook. But I remember having he same issue on my pc a few weeks ago with avi files. I was using Ubuntu and the problem was with VLC player. But when I played the same movie with mplayer, everything was fine. Never found a solution tho.

I am experiencing the exact same issue where the audio cuts out after about a second of playing in QuickTime 10.1 with Perian 1.2.3 on Mac Os X 10.7.1. I have noticed that this mostly happens with AVI videos files where the video codec is XVID and the audio codec is AC3. Although, I have also seen this issue where the audio code has been MPEG Layer 3.

VLC and Miro represent a class of applications providing their own internally integrated codecs and thus are less likely to be subject to the problems confronting Mac QT user's. Basically people here are complaining of problems related to the use of a file container for which official support was dropped more than a decade ago and which is so old that the most current versions of QT will not even recognize without third-party support known to have potential conflict problems and which employs audio and video codecs not natively support by QT on an operating system that seems less stable and more prone to software and hardware conflicts than any OS I've previously used. My only major interest in this topic would be to learn whether the problems are general in nature and tied specifically to the OS version or the system configuration. However, as none of the users can or are willing to provide a sample file demonstrating these playback problems, it is next to impossible to analyze the situation in more detail.

Strange! I am running Lion and both DivX/MP3 and XviD/ADPCM AVI test files (all I currently have available on my system) just played with auido moments ago when I tried them. Both reference use of the Perian codec component package. Have you "physically" removed and reinstalled the componernt Package? Upgrading the OS has been known to orphan or re-order QT components. In the first instance, removal/reinstallation of Perian can re-link the components for use and in the latter instance, it can rearrange the component list to avoid component conflicts. I.e., if things have not changed, the QT 7 Player (not sure about QT X) regenerates the list of available codecs each time the app is opened using a LIFO (last in, first out) ordering of components which, in the case of some component combinations, can avoid component conflicts. Not sure this is still true since I removed the non-Perian components long ago to avoid even the potential for this problem.

the audio cuts out after about a second of playing in QuickTime 10.1 with Perian 1.2.3 on Mac Os X 10.7.1. I have noticed that this mostly happens with AVI videos files where the video codec is XVID and the audio codec is AC3.

Yep - I had the same problem. Some avi files work fine and some do this 1 second sound cut-out thing. I'm pretty sure the exact configuration of the avi file you've mentioned is the one my system had a problem with. Installed Perian. Uninstalled DivX. Unistalled Flip4Mac. Manually removed non-Perian codecs from Qucktime folder in Applications folder. Downloaded and installed VLC, still didn't work. Opened info panel for the movies that didn't work (Command-I) and changed 'Open with' to Quicktime player 7. Sorted!

Please note: you MUST check if you have the Xvid or 3ivx codecs installed. These codecs are free and can be downloaded from the Web. For your convenience we included the Xvid codec on this CD-ROM. Click here to install it. Mac users can download the 3ivx codec from here.

I have downloaded an animated movie from a streaming website. I always play the video on Windows Media player, and generally, it does not have any problem. But now it is showing an error. Because the video file is large, it will take more time to download again in a different format.

Perhaps the AVI file is not correctly encoded through the Xvid codec, and so it shows an error on the Windows Media Player. So, you should play the video on a VLC media player. VLC Player has inbuilt codecs that you do not need to install any external codecs. It will play a healthy video file easily.

A corrupt file will not play in any player even when you have encoded it properly. So, you should repair the video using Kernel Video Repair Tool. It will fix the video, and you can play it on any player easily. ff782bc1db

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