Xing Xu

Lecturer, Shanghai Institute of Technology

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I received my PhD from Deakin University, Australia in 2021 and now I am a Lecturer at Shanghai Institute of Technology. My research is mainly related to International economics and applied economics. I received several awards during my study and early career stage, such as Chinese government scholarships and the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program. 


Permani, R. and Xu, X., 2022. The nexus between natural disasters, supply chains and trade—Revisiting the role of preferential trade agreements in disaster risk reduction. The World Economy, 45(10), pp.3002-3030. 

Working Papers:

`China's Trade Retaliation: Factuals vs Counterfactuals.' (w/ Ben Li and Gary Lyn ) [Submitted]

`Trump, China, and Republicans.' (w/ Ben G.Li, Yi Lu, and Pasquale Sgro)    [R&R @  The Scandinavian Journal of Economics]