Edit: An important information that I forgot to mention is that I developed a simple patch to no longer display the DUMMY port error on models without device-tree, the user will be able to install without having to worry about it

And of course i have attached 3 drive It is seen in de bios when startup and del, but also with this bootloader, only 1 drive is available, so my new Synology is just a "DS120+" No backup, no raid1 so when i put up the music files and movies for Plex i must also copy these files directly to a connected dock with a second drive (if it is still possible on dsm7 to connect an USB drive).

Xpenology Dsm 6.2 Download

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I have worked with a Truenas system but too bad it dit not support Home Assistant "Supervised" only Core, and in Core you cannot add zwave or zigbee sticks so beside the Truenas with consume about 60 watts and an other pc to hold Home Assistant with an extra 20 watts.

I have used this Motherboard before i dit go to Truenas with DSM 6.2 and it dit work with the 3 drives and a docker (for HomeAssistant). But i tried it with the bootloader for 6.2 and it went wrong with the install of the diskmanager, about 15 procent ending.

I think when we should use motherboards with this low power like also more expensive C3958 intel with ECC support (thats why i went to Truenas with a Xeon processor and ECC memory) I think they wil not work with Expenology. It wil only work with Common motherboards (high power) that were shipped with low cost PC's

The .addon files are simply a ".tar.gz" file, containing anothers ".tar.gz" for the files to be installed and a "manifest.yml" file with addon information. I used the YAML format that I have more knowledge of.

With a little knowledge it is possible to get the extensions binaries and copy them to the loader, but the intention is to be as simple as possible for the end user so I have to create the addons little by little to make it easier.

Correct. I realized this after I posted and went ahead. I was able to migrate from 3615xs but the server shuts down after a few minutes so I'm troubleshooting right now. For me, it's a good problem to have because previously I wasn't able to get this far.

I did cmdline menu show SATA see printscreen but then what? new driver? i see there are 2 controllers, i have attached 2 drives to 1 and 1 (ssd) to the other. But after restart there is only 1 drive available. How to make a drive map?

And now i changed the two hd and the ssd from controller, now after init i got 2 reds pro available, So i think i have now the drives on the Intel Corporation .. controller and now the SSD should on the ASMedia, i think there must be a driver (if there is) for the ASM1062

You could use my repo that holds already compiled modules if you want to speed up the addon creation. Purley is not on my list though. You can also skip unessesary hardware detection like (ata_piix) or AHCI etc. You can use a fully automated process by just selecting the model or an advanced mode that you can tweek things. (its a bit more compicated for people that dont understand the details).

Hi, it's not bug. All supported models have the e1000e module natively. The loader didn't find any other modules needed in your case.

The e1000e module exists for any future model that does not have it. ACPId is not installed automatically, when I confirm that it works in any situation I will put it to be installed automatically.

The main reason I moved away from Synology was the encryption. The encryption they use is horrible, and slows the entire array down dramatically. Then, add the fact that if you use encryption, you cannot browse the snapshots! You can only restore an entire snapshot and then browse the contents which is just silly

I had a physical Synology as my main NAS and then xpenology as the secondary. When I ditched my DS1817+ I mulled the idea of xpenology as my main NAS, but IMO this is just crazy. Who knows what issues you will run into, and there is no support. Updates are also a dice roll every single time

Hi all 

 I would really like a guide on how to setup an xpenology VM, All i really want it for is to use the DS Cam app (its a great CCTV option with such low cpu usage) and DS download and DS file for the other half to browse the shares. 

Currently i have a genuine Syno box looking at the unraid server but its old and really slow as its also doing the CCTV. I has Xpenology on the bare metal that my unraid server is now on and she used it fine. She cant get her head around unraid so really would love a Xpenology VM. 

Can anyone help?

My main need is a CCTV application that does not use CPU power. I tried the one in windows but it hammers the CPU as its obviously doing some on the fly rendering. the synology camera software uses a minimal amount of CPU as in less than 1% of my Xeon when it was on barebone. Running a windows VM and then some software chunks at the ram and CPU so is a poor solution in my eyes as it then does not leave enough horse power for doing a few other tasks smoothly such as transcoding on plex.

the DSM software is so well refined for hardware use due to most of their hardware lacking power so optimizing the software is key for them. 

I just cant seem to get it to install, i would even buy some one a beer to set it up for me but cant find anyone around who seems to know how to set it up thats active any more.

Since you're not getting any traction I'll throw out an idea. Find a prebuilt vmdk image of XPenology and you'll be able to run it natively in unRaid. Here is a link on how to create a VM with the vmdk. Essentially:

I actually did got this to work. I created a VM with the Windows 7 Template. Added the vdisks I needed then save the VM (not boot). I edited the XML, look for the network card and change type to e1000. Afterwards you can install xpenology. After installation im not sure on this part, but I think I edited the XML again and made cdrom (xpenology iso) to boot order 1 and the vdisks to boot order 2 and so on.

OK i have tried everything to get this to work with zero success, i cannot find any guides online that work and the docker does not work either. I have tried contacting the docker owner with no success i can get the iso to book but it just says SHELL and goes no further.

if i run a win 10 VM and then use virtual box in that to run xpenology (dozens of guides for this) apart from the additional load of win10 running is there any disadvantage this this? is creating a VD on a VD a problem?

Thank you sir, I actually can now find this in the web assistant now although im getting a message of Failed to format the disk. (35) when trying to install from the PAT file. I cannot change the bus to 02 or the slot to 01 either comes up with an error although i have managed to chang ethe type to e1000

Finally i have this all working fine, Big thanks to windlok1010 as his tip helped here, DS cam working fine and all apps working great. Nice and fast and such minimal CPU load. Starting to really love Unraid now

Finally i have this all working fine, Big thanks to windlok1010 as his tip helped here, DS cam working fine and all apps working great. Nice and fast and such minimal CPU load. Starting to really love Unraid now 

The synoboot.img is downloaded from here: !BtFQ2DgC!JgomNP3X8V9EuwxL4TXbng!R4VmQbaC I can't remember which one I used, but I believe it was 1.02b for the ds3617. If you guys have trouble, I can upload the one I'm specifically using. Unfortunately it's just named synoboot.img, so it's hard to differentiate them.

I'm a noob when it comes to XML configs, so I have no idea why this worked, but I was just following the advice from earlier in this thread. I had to change bus='0x05' to bus='0x07' or else it wouldn't let me save the xml edits.

That's it In the end it was pretty easy. I have been running this for a couple weeks now with no issues at all. Much thanks to the people that were helping in this thread earlier. I would've never been able to get this working without their advice.

While I found several other posts of people already running XPEnology on their N54Ls I did not find a detailed installation post specific to my needs. I decided to visit the installation FAQ and from there the DSM7x loaders and platforms page. I remember feeling a little overwhelmed at first but after a while figured that I needed the DS3622xs+ loader (broadwellnk) as the DS918+ loader requires a newer CPU and all the other DS36XXxs+ are marked obsolete.

The installation proces is well documented and not worth repeating here. Instead I will share the options I used during installation that resulted in a working XPEnology system. After booting into TinyCore some configuration is needed before building the image. Important to note here is that the USB you use to boot TinyCore from will need to stay connected to the system even after installation so keep that in mind when selecting your USB device. I used the following commands and settings for my install:

After running these commands and rebooting the system you should be able to find you XPEnology system with the Synology Assistant. However I found that my system never came back online even though the it seemed to be running fine. A quick google search showed me that I had to disable the C1E option, under the Advanced CPU settings, in the BIOS for the internal NICs to start working. After the change I was able to find my new system and continue with the DSM installation. 152ee80cbc

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