Xiomy-Janiria Pinchi-Davila

PhD Student In Plant Pathology

Chung Lab - University of Georgia

About me

I’m a third-year PhD student working under the supervision of Dr. Anny Chung in the Plant Pathology Department at the University of Georgia. My project focuses on understanding the mechanisms driving sorghum root microbiome assembly under drought stress. Previous to my PhD, I received a Master’s degree from Western Illinois University, where I worked with Dr. Andrea Porras-Alfaro describing a new fungal species (paper coming soon!). I am also the founder of Hongos Peru, a juvenile Peruvian organization (yes, I am peruvian) that aims to spread scientific information about fungi.  I am passionate about plant-fungal interactions, especially in root systems (including endophytes, root-associated fungi, and mycorrhizae) and how these associations impact plant community structure and crops. During my PhD, I hope to better understand how the root microbiome assembles and how we can can harness host-root microbiome interactions in sustainable agriculture.

Get in touch

Email: xjp26417@uga.edu
