Deep Decompostion-Composition Network for Rain Removal

This page presents our deep deraining work (DDC: deep decompositition-composition network). Rain effect in images typically is annoying for many multimedia and computer vision tasks. For removing rain effect from a single image, deep leaning techniques have been attracting considerable attentions. This paper designs a novel multi-task leaning architecture in an end-to-end manner to reduce the mapping range from input to output and boost the performance. Concretely, a decomposition net is built to split rain images into clean background and rain layers. Different from previous architectures, our model consists of, besides a component representing the desired clean image, an extra component for the rain layer. During the training phase, we further employ a composition structure to reproduce the input by the separated clean image and rain information for improving the quality of decomposition. Experimental results on both synthetic and real images are conducted to reveal the high-quality recovery by our design, and show its superiority over other state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, our design is also applicable to other layer decomposition tasks like dust removal. More importantly, our method only requires about 50ms to process a testing image in VGA resolution on a GTX 1080 GPU with promising rain removal quality, making it attractive for practical use.

The demo code and trained models can be downloaded at here

The whole package including synthesized data can be found at here [https://pan.baidu.com/s/1BDKfbPl9DWZ0tOJSsf1HSQ (e-code: b7d7 )]

This demo software is provided for research purposes only. A license must be obtained for any commercial applications.

Related Work

Siyuan Li, Wenqi Ren, Jiawan Zhang, Jinke Yu, and Xiaojie Guo*, "Single Image Rain Removal via a Deep Decomposition-Composition Network", CVIU, 2019

Yu Li, Robby T. Tan, Xiaojie Guo*, Jiangbo Lu, and Michael S. Brown, "Single Image Rain Streak Separation Using Layer Priors", IEEE TIP, 2017

Yu Li, Robby T. Tan, Xiaojie Guo, Jiangbo Lu, and Michael S. Brown, "Rain Streak Removal Using Layer Priors" , CVPR 2016

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