Ph.D. student 

UC Berkeley

xinyanhu [at] Berkeley [dot] edu

Xinyan Hu

Hi! I am a 2nd year PhD student in CS at UC Berkeley. I am advised by Michael I. Jordan and a member of the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab. I have broad interests in the intersection of machine learning and economics, especially in machine learning theory, algorithmic game theory and mechanism design.

Before coming to Berkeley, I received my B.S. in CS at Peking University, where I was fortunately advised by Xiaotie Deng. I was also pleased to have worked with Zhiwei Steven Wu (CMU) and Aleksandrs Slivkins (MSR).


Xinyan Hu*, Meena Jagadeesan*, Michael I. Jordan, Jacob Steinhardt 

Manuscript under submission 


Xinyan Hu, Dung Daniel Ngo, Aleksandrs Slivkins, Zhiwei Steven Wu (in alphabetical order)

NeurIPS 2022 


Xiaotie Deng, Xinyan Hu, Tao Lin, Weiqiang Zheng (in alphabetical order)

The Web Conference (WWW) 2022 

[arxiv][2-min video]


Teaching Assistant, CS 33400 Discrete Mathematics and Structures (Honor track), PKU, 2020 Fall

Selected Awards


I love being outdoors, hiking and biking to explore Nature, and traveling to different places to experience different food and cultures! In my spare time, I also like listening to music, watching movies, running and playing sports. (I'm a big fan of tennis!)