Math 417:502 (2023 Spring)

TA section class meeting time: Wednesday 1:50pm- 2:40pm

Office hours: By appointment. 

Code Template: Google Colab

Important theorems from the textbook: Googledoc

Suggestions: It could be very helpful to read the examples and illustrations in the textbook.

For students from class Math 417:501, you might contact Wenyuan Li if you have any questions about the course.

For students from class Math 417:502, I am responsible to answer questions from you.                       


                              How to create a tridiagonal matrix with Python?

      Problem 1 Code Reference

                             Update!!!!!!Problem 1 Code Reference

                                Sample Exam 1 Solution

Homework 3 Hint 1  Hint2

Riemann Integral Python Code

Trapezoid Rule Python Code( This is the simple trapezoid rule, not composite trapezoid rule)

or you can use functions from Scipy package.

      Homework 2 Hint

      Lagrange Interpolation Python Code Reference

Newton's Method Notes  

Homework 1 Hint       

Problem 3: Try k=0.64 instead. It would be more convenient for calculation.  

Step 1: find derivative g'(x)

Step 2: solve |g'(x)|<=k for x to find the requirement for x

Step 3: Based on the requirement for x, choose a,b value for [a,b]

Step 4: Use the error estimate result to compute iteration number n.

Problem 2: Refer to Problem 3 on textbook Page 59.