Xing Tan

Assistant Professor in Computer Science,   Lakehead University

Welcome!  I am currently an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Lakehead University. I obtained my Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto in 2012. My research encompasses at the intersection of Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Science. Specifically, my active research focuses on process knowledge representation and reasoning, with an emphasis on symbolic representation of complex process knowledge, knowledge manipulation for automated inferences, and computational complexity analysis. This research combines optimization, complexity analysis, and algorithmic approaches to address various problem domains. My research has been published in top-tier venues in Artificial Intelligence and Information Technology, including AAAI, IJCAI, SIGIR, ECAI, ICAPS, FOIS. In 2014, one of the papers received a Distinguished Paper Award Nomination from AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium). I have also been involved in several projects hosted by high-tech companies and jointly sponsored by major funding agencies such as NSERC, SSHRC, and Ontario Centre of Excellence.

With over a decade of teaching experience at Canadian universities, I have extensive knowledge and expertise in teaching a diverse range of subjects related to Information Technology. I am committed to delivering high-quality education and fostering a stimulating learning environment for my students.