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Jiaxin Xie

Associate professor

School of Mathematical Sciences

Beihang University

Office: E605-3, Shahe Campus

Email: xiejx at buaa dot com  dot cn


I was born in Mishi Town (弥市镇), Hubei Province, China, a remote small village blessed with abundant rivers and lakes. BSc (2012) from Hunan University, China, majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics; PhD (2017) also from Hunan University, working on Compressed Sensing and Sparse Optimization under the supervision of Prof. Anping Liao; Postdoctoral Fellow (July 2017-June 2019), Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Zhiqiang Xu, focusing on Interlacing Families, Graph Sparsication, and Subset Selection. I was a Research Fellow in Department of Applied Mathematics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from November 2023 to January 2024, under the mentorship of Prof. Hou-Duo Qi. I am currently an associate professor at School of Mathematical SciencesBeihang University

Research Interests

My research interests are mainly in numerical analysis and computational harmonic analysis, with an emphasis on the design and analysis of efficient numerical algorithms for real-word problems (e.g., signal/image processing) via tools from numerical linear algebra, approximation theory and optimization. I am currently working on randomized iterative method, such as the randomized Kaczmarz method, stochastic conjugate gradient, and momentum acceleration. I am also interested in subset selection for matrices by using the method of interlacing families and barrier function.



My link in Google Scholar.