Mass Wasting/ Weathering/ Erosion

Mass wasting

Mass wasting is when rock and soil move downhill due to gravity. This cause depends on a number of different factors. It depends on the slope of this hill, the amount of water present within the soil, and human influences. If trees are removed from a hillside, then the soil doesn't have a "wall" of some sort preventing it from sliding down. At times, hillside soil tends to be very loose. Which means it's easily moves. If rainfall were to occur, this could turn the soil into mud, causing it to slide down as well.


Erosion is the process of the surface Earth being worn down over time and transported to another place by natural causes. Erosion can be caused by four different types. Surface, Fluvial, Mass-movement, and Streambank.

Weathering is the deterioration of rocks, solis, and minerals to exposure of atmospheric gases, water, and any other natural/ biological organisms. It's the process of being worn down over time. There are three types of weather. Biological, Physical, and Chemical.
