
lesson plan guide

I am using this lesson presentation as my lesson guide to teach earthquakes to the class.


Learning objectives

  • Students will be able to understand how earthquakes function

  • They will be able to correlate earthquakes and tsunamis to plate tectonics

  • Students will be able to know the difference between an earthquake and a tsunami

Question of the day: What are earthquakes ?

Answer: If you recall from the lesson on plate tectonics, earthquakes are the side effects of the transformation boundary. The energy created from the two plates shifting has to be released. In conclusion, an earthquake is created.

Question of the day: What is a tsunami ?

Answer: They are a large displacement of water due to an underground disturbance. Or you could say it's due to an underground earthquake.


Crossword puzzle

Answer key:

earthquake key

My trip to Griffith Observatory!

This is a seismograph

Seismographs measure the intensity of earthquakes through vibrations. We experience earthquakes all of the time, but we only really feel the largest ones.

A different insight on earthquakes

Tectonic plates are the bread and butter to earthquakes. As these plates move underneath the earth's crust or (lithosphere) they tend to make contact with one another. Causing a break or shift. Which in return gives us earthquakes.