
Sources on Deserts

What is a desert?

This article from nat. Geo. will provide a detailed answer to the question above.

What is a desert biome?

Biomes are large areas that can be categorized based on their characteristics. This article will tell us what exactly to look for when categorizing something as a desert.

What lives in a desert?

Although deserts may look as if they are incapable of sustaining life, they in fact contain entire ecosystems. You must train your eyes to see the hidden creatures.

Deserts tend to get a bad wrap. Movies tend to depict them as barrened and infested with poisonous creatures everywhere you step. It's as if deserts are the land's natural death sentence. I can assure you, the rumors are wrong. The desert is filled with a beautiful and mesmerizing ecosystem. Plant and animals thrive in this dry hot land and they will continue to do so for the next 100 years. Let's explore the secrets and wonders of the desert together.