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2021.04 Hong Kong

Xiaobo LI (李校博)


I received my B.Sc (2014.07) and M.Sc degrees (supervisor: Prof. Zhanjie Song, 2016.07) in School of Mathematics at Tianjin University

I started my Ph.D. study in 2016.09 in the School of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering at Tianjin University under the supervision of Prof. Tiegen Liu (chief-supervisor) and Prof. Haofeng Hu (co-supervisor). I got my Ph.D. degree in 2020.07. 

During 2020.11 to 2022.06, I worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Shih-Chi Chen (Multiscale Precision Instrumentation Laboratory: https://www.mpil.mae.cuhk.edu.hk). 

From 2022.07, I joined the the School of Marine Science and Technology (SMST in Tianjin University) as an Associate Professor.

Research interests

Current focus:


2022.06, Our "Optimal nonlinear Stokes-Mueller polarimetry for multi-photon processes" has been accepted by Optics Letters.

2022. 08, Our “Are Indices of Polarimetric Purity Excellent Metrics for Object Identification in Scattering Media?”has been accepted by Remote Sensing.

2023.02, Our "Polarized image super-resolution via a deep convolutional neural network" has been accepted by Optics Express.