A first course in dynamical system and ergodic theory

Overview of the course

This course is intended to be a first course to both dynamical systems and ergodic theory. We aim to give a direct and detailed introduction to the basic theory. The course will be divided into three parts. In the first part , we concentrate on topological dynamics. The second part deals with ergodic theory and measurable dynamics. The third part consists of more advanced material of thermodynamic formalism.


This course aims for both advanced bachelor students and master students in Mathematics. As prerequisites, student are expected to have some familiarities with analysis and basic linear algebra.  In addiction, some basic understanding of point set topology and measure theory is also necessary.


Lecturer:  Xian Dai

Tutor:  Colin Davalo


The lecture and exercise session are hold in  room SR C.


Exercise Session:

      Friday of every even week, 14pm to 15:40pm

      Office Hour:

      Thursday 16:00pm to 17:00pm.

The location for office hour is room A104, 3rd floor,  INF 206 


Lecture Notes and Exercise Sheets

Please click here for lecture notes and exercise sheets.


Exercise and Exam

Reading Material