Student Resources

Class Google Drive Folder

LAUSD Schoology Link

Learning to use Google Drive

How to submit an assignment on Schoology

How to create a digital portfolio using Google Sites

Creating a digital portfolio using Google Sites

[Sample Site]

1. Navigate your browser to

2. Look for and click on the + symbol on the lower right hand corner to create a new website

3. Provide a title for your digital portfolio (your website).

First Name

Period # Student #

[Click on the sample site link above for a visual of what your title should look like]

4. Insert an image that is representative of your personality, select something that people associate with you.

Adding a page to your digital portfolio

Now that you have your website we need to add a new page, you will need to add a new page for each unit we cover in class.

1. Navigate your browser to

2. Select your website, double click on it to begin to edit

3. In the tool selection on the right hand side locate and click on the tab marked "Pages"

4. Look for and click on the + icon to add a new page

5. Provide a name for your new page

6. Great, you are now ready to add content to your new page!

Adding Media to your digital portfolio

1. Set up a folder in your google drive to save all the pictures, audio, and videos you may want to add to your digital portfolio.

2. Navigate to

3. Select your digital portfolio and click on it to begin to edit

4. Use the toolbox on the right hand side to select the source of the media (From Drive, images, Embed)

5. Select the specific location of the image, audio, video (drive folder, google search, url (internet address of image, or embed code)

6. click on insert

creating a google site.mp4
Adding a new page to your website.mp4
Adding media to your webpage.mp4