In the evening, these desert cliffs glow with a fiery red light that seems to mimic the radiance of the setting sun. The cliffs are best seen from below or across the escarpment. But no matter where you stand or what time you visit, you can still witness the breathtaking magnitude and raw beauty of the place come to life.

The escarpment at Flaming Cliffs, along which the Upper Cretaceous sediments crop out, comprises a morphological boundary between the desert steppe zone, over the escarpment, and the desert basin floor, below the cliffs. It consists of alternating sandy and calcareous beds. The Flaming Cliffs arenaceous sediments are almost invariably reddish-orange in color. All these red beds made the cliff look so red in sunset; resulted the derivation of its nickname Flaming Cliffs by Roy Chapman Andrews. No matter what time you visit there it will look beautifully red. But if you want to witness what Roy Chapman Andrews saw in early 1920s, you can revisit the Cliffs around sunset.

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The Flaming Cliffs, or Bayanzag, is famous due to the first-ever discovery of dinosaur eggs in 1922. These dinosaur eggs, amongst other fossils, brought archaeologist out in search of dinosaur bones. Numerous Mongolian dinosaurs were found at the Flaming cliffs to include: Velociraptor, Saurornithoides, Oviraptor, Protoceratops, Pinacosaurus.

The Flaming Cliffs in the Gobi Desert Mongolia earned their name though due to the orange and red color of the cliffs. These cliffs are illuminated even more during sunset, where the horizon and cliffs resemble being on fire.

The Flaming Cliffs are surrounded by barren steppe country. The flat grass-like prairies surround the Flaming Cliffs fully, and the ride out to the cliffs from the nearest airport can seem very repetitive. Arriving at the Flaming Cliffs offers quite the change in scenery as these cliffs jut from the otherwise flat and barren landscape. Hiking the Flaming Cliffs will be a pleasant change of scenery from the surrounding area.

While hiking the flaming cliffs you will see that there are trails that weave through and all about along the cliff sides. There are no marked trails, and no guard rails so tread carefully. The paths follow along the edge of the cliff and go out to the farthest overhang offering a variety of views out over the rock formation.

The Flaming Cliffs earned their name from their appearance at sunset. The already red and orange cliffs seem to turn brighter in color as the sun sets over the horizon. The mixture of the cliffs with the change in color of the horizon is one of the reasons many visit the location. Sunrise can be equally as beautiful, and far less crowded if unable to make the sunset.

In the southern part of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, there lies a magical place known to English-speakers as the Flaming Cliffs. Located at least a thousand miles away from any major concentrations of human habitation, which are in neighboring China, these reddish-orange cliffs are one of the remotest places on Earth.

These cliffs were named by paleontologist and adventurer Roy Chapman Andrews. (Although he was a scientist, Andrews was no stranger to public adulation, and was at least partly the inspiration for Harrison Ford's character in the Indiana Jones films.) Andrews and his colleague, Henry Fairfield Osborn, developed the "Out of Asia" hypothesis, which proposed that modern humans originated in Asia. To find evidence supporting this hypothesis, Andrews led a series of expeditions between 1922 and 1930 for the American Museum of Natural History to the Gobi Desert, in search of the earliest known human fossil remains.

One week is just a perfect duration to discover the Gobi desert highlights; the scenic places, top attractions, and must-do activities. You will be in the Gobi desert on the first day of this tour being surrounded by 360C steppe views, gazing stars, staying in the nomadic dwelling ger, hiking through and taking pictures of Tsagaan Suvarga cliffs.

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Much of Mongolia's Gobi desert reminded us of the vastness of our Southwest. We felt at home standing at the edges of these red cliffs watching the horizon curve away. This area is known for the first discovery of dinosaur eggs and fossils of four dinosaur species: Protoceratops, Velociraptor, Pinacosaurus, and Oviraptor. Seeing the fossils of a Protoceratops and a Velociraptor locked in a fight brought imagery of this ancient world to life.

The Flaming Cliffs are already world-famous among paleontologists and fossil enthusiasts. They are part of Bayanzag Park in Omnogovi Aimag, a southern province (aimag) of Mongolia in the Gobi Desert. They are a significant tourist attraction and many visitors come from around the world each year to see dinosaur fossils in the field and watch the sunset light up the red sandstone cliffs. The magnificent color prompted explorer Roy Chapman Andrews to give the place its English name, The Flaming Cliffs, in 1923.

The park currently has no visitors center, no trails, no facilities of any kind. Dirt roads lead the intrepid to the top of the cliffs where a small clutch of merchant stands sell miscellany to tourists. On the outskirts of the park are several ger camps, where tourists can stay in the small round, felt homes favored by Mongolian nomads. Some of these camps have modern dining and restroom facilities.

Most travelers will stop at the Flaming cliffs in the Mongolian Gobi to see the great rock formations that yielded world famous dinosaur finds. Baynzag, or the Flaming Cliffs as the location is often referred to, is one of the iconic sites of the Mongolian Gobi, It is best visited later in the day when the cliffs glow in the evening sun.

The best time to capture the cliffs at their most attractive is sunrise or sunset. The hardened clay soil, mostly unchanged since the Cretaceous period, is set ablaze showing brilliant shades of reds and orange.

That first afternoon, Chimed led the convoy to the Flaming Cliffs, the spot

made famous by Roy Chapman in 1922 when he unearthed a nest of dinosaur

eggs, tossing the world of paleontology on its ear regarding the

procreative habits of dinosaurs. We hiked into an arid valley ringed by

crimson cliffs, spiking skyward like a dripping Gaudi cathedral. It was

totally calm, the malevolent wind being incapable of negotiating such sharp

corners. "Just tink," said Chimed, gently prodding at the jawbone of an amazingly

intact ceratopsia, "thixty-five milliun yers ago dis creatcha lived here

wetting himself."

As we hiked out of the cliffs, an ugly thunderhead raced toward us. Rain,

I thought, damn. But no, it wasn't rain. It was a funnel of whirling,

whistling, gale-driven sand that, when it struck with the force of Thor's

hammer, made seeing painful and breathing virtually impossible.

Magnanimously, I turned to look for Edna to ensure she was coping. Through

a veil of desert I could see her rummaging in her jacket, producing

something that looked like -- no, could those be? -- snorkeling goggles! Grinning

(downwind), she snapped them on and sauntered back to the car, leaving me

to grope my way nakedly, blindly, doubled over. I looked up to see an

entire team of goggle-wearing desert survivors, all of whom had obviously

read the information in those damned boxes.

It is without any trace of obligation that I mention what impressive

vehicles the Discoverys were. The people unlucky enough to be riding in

the Uazs, the Russian army's equivalent to the Hummer, served as a

control group. Uazs are tin cans emblematic of the Cold War, proudly

assembled with the fewest possible parts, no regard for human anatomy and

little thought to keeping out the elements. Infuriatingly, they went

everywhere the Discoverys did, although the occupants emerged wind-torn,

dust-caked, deaf and temporarily lacking any sensation in their

extremities. The Discoverys cruised over boulders, through waist-deep

rivers and knee-deep ditches and traversed sheer cliffsides. We

journalists lounged in climate-controlled comfort, on leather seats

with orthopedic adjustments and shocks that took the beating on our

behalf. We should have felt guilty, I suppose. But we didn't. We felt

culturally righteous. be457b7860

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