Issuer discovery is OPTIONAL; if a Relying Party knows theOP's Issuer location through an out-of-band mechanism, it can skip this stepand proceed to Section 4 (Obtaining OpenID Provider Configuration Information).

Our mission is to spark a lifelong love of learning and discovery in the hearts of young people through science-based programs and exhibits that inspire and educate. Through our engaging and interactive programs, exhibits, and events, we strive to make a meaningful impact on the communities we serve and inspire the next generation of scientific thinkers.

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"As soon as you step into the waters of the Florida Keys you are in the sanctuary," said superintendent Sarah Fangman. "We have a responsibility to demonstrate how to responsively enjoy the resource, and the Eco-Discovery Center does that in an engaging way that encourages visitors to take ownership through discovery."

Large groups (10+ visitors) are eligible to receive discounted admission to the Museum via our Group Visits pricing. Please visit our Field Trips webpages and/or contact Group Reservations at 410-864-2727 or email for more information on our Field Trip Experiences and Group Visits. Please note: Advanced reservations are required for all group visits. Walk ups will not be accepted.

Each party must automatically provide additional documents and information as they become known if the information is something that must be disclosed or if information of that type has already been asked for during discovery. If a party fails to provide information that should have been disclosed or fails to provide discoverable information if asked for it, the judge might not allow the party to use that information at trial.

Standard discovery and extraordinary discovery. Depending on the amount of damages claimed, a party is entitled to a certain amount of standard discovery, meaning the number of depositions, interrogatories, requests for admission, and requests for the production of documents. If a party needs more than the standard amount, the parties can stipulate to extraordinary discovery or file a motion asking the judge to order extraordinary discovery.

What can be discovered? URCP 26(b). Parties may discover any matter, not privileged, which is relevant to the claim or defense of any party if the discovery satisfies the standards of proportionality.

Meet and Confer. Before filing a motion for extraordinary discovery, a motion to compel discovery or a motion for a protective order, the parties must meet (in person or by telephone) to try to resolve or narrow the issues without court involvement.

Length and Attachments. The Statement of Discovery Issues cannot be more than 4 pages long. The party filing it must attach to it a copy of the disclosure, request for discovery or the response at issue. The party also must file a proposed order with their Statement of Discovery Issues.

Motion or stipulation for extraordinary discovery. URCP 26(c)(6) and URCP 37(a)(1)(b). To obtain discovery beyond standard discovery a party must file, before the close of standard discovery and after reaching the limits of standard discovery:

Motions to compel disclosure or discovery. URCP 37. If a party does not respond to a discovery request, the party seeking discovery can file a motion asking the judge to compel discovery and impose sanctions. The party seeking discovery must show the judge that the information is discoverable and that discovery is proportional to the case. A motion may also be filed to compel disclosures. If a party fails to disclose, that party may not be able to use the documents or information at trial.

Motions for protective orders from disclosure of discovery. URCP 37. If a party is seeking to discover documents or information that are not subject to discovery, the party from whom discovery is sought can file a motion asking the judge for an order protecting the documents or information. The party seeking discovery must show the judge that the documents or information are discoverable and that the discovery is proportional to the case.

Within 7 days after the close of fact discovery, the party who has the burden of proof on any issue must disclose to the other parties the following information about any expert retained to testify about that issue:

Within 7 days after that, the party opposing the expert may elect either to depose the expert or to require a written report from the expert. The deposition must occur or the report must be provided within 28 days after the election is made. If no election is made, then no further discovery of the expert is permitted. The party offering the expert pays for the report; the party opposing the expert pays for the deposition. The deposition may not exceed four hours.

A party must make disclosures and respond to discovery requests based on the information then known or reasonably available to the party. If a party learns that a disclosure or discovery response is incomplete or incorrect in some important way, the party must timely provide the additional or correct information. The supplemental disclosure or response must state why the additional or correct information was not previously provided.

If a party fails to disclose or to supplement a disclosure or discovery response, that party may not use the undisclosed witness, document or material at any hearing or trial unless the failure is harmless or the party shows good cause for the failure.

Thousands of monogenic diseases affect hundreds of millions of people across the globe, creating demand for advanced therapies that has rapidly outpaced capacity.

With essential infrastructure in place and five million square feet of life science lab space, The Discovery Labs offers laboratory and cGMP manufacturing space to facilitate the discovery and development of life-saving therapies and medicines.

The scope of our work ranges from knowledge generation to proof-of-concept studies in humans (or the equivalent). When possible, we aim to foster the generation of more affordable, deliverable, scalable, and sustainable versions of extant interventions. When not, we aim to drive the discovery and development of transformational advances toward impact that cannot otherwise be achieved. Key functions in support of this mission include the continuous surveying of an ever-changing scientific and technological innovation space; the catalyzing and harnessing of cutting-edge technologies both for specific initiatives and for the development of platforms that can provide cross-cutting support to drug, vaccine, and biologics discovery and translation; and the fostering of an effective ecosystem of global health innovation, funding, and partnership.

In general, moving to continuous discovery and continuous delivery is a really good thing and many of the best teams I know are doing this. However, as with everything else, there are trade-offs. In the next articles I will talk about the impact of continuous discovery on release planning, and the impact of continuous delivery on product marketing. ff782bc1db

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