Like before, the target SDK will default to a particular version that cordova-android has been tested with. Cordova-android@11 uses API 32 by default. The compile SDK will default to the configured Target SDK.

Generally speaking, the target and compile should match, but with cordova-android@11 (and 9), you can set the compile SDK higher while keeping the target SDK lower, which can be useful for things that requires the API codes for compatibility checks.

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Create a file named [project]/android/ that contains a reference to your keystore. Don't include the angle brackets (< >). They indicate that the text serves as a placeholder for your values.

Flutter tool supports easily enabling multidex. The simplest way is to opt into multidex support when prompted. The tool detects multidex build errors and asks before making changes to your Android project. Opting in allows Flutter to automatically depend on androidx.multidex:multidex and use a generated FlutterMultiDexApplication as the project's application.

If you did not intend to be on the Bare workflow, you can switch back to the managed workflow by deleting the android directory (and also ios), as long as you did not make changes to the native projects that you still want to keep.

Construction management software offers a range of features designed to streamline project management, including task scheduling, document management, team collaboration, budget tracking, and reporting. This helps construction companies improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance overall project outcomes.

Preferred construction management software is cloud-based, providing easy access to project data from any device with an internet connection. Some providers may still offer on-premise solutions, but these tend to be less flexible and require more upfront investment in hardware and maintenance.

Many construction management software solutions may claim to be customizable, and many are designed for general contractors without specialized features trade contractors require. Be sure to discuss your unique requirements with potential providers to ensure their software can meet your needs.

Most construction management software platforms offer integrations with popular tools and systems, such as accounting software, estimating tools, and design applications. Ensure the software you choose is compatible with your existing technology stack to streamline your processes and avoid data silos.

Usability matters in software adoption. Prioritize construction management software that has an intuitive interface and user-friendly features that make it easy for your team to learn and use effectively.

Preferred construction management software solutions support importing existing data to make the transition seamless. Look for a software solution with a straightforward data import and migration process to ensure a smooth transition.

A mobile app is essential for construction management software for easy access to project information, particularly for field crews. Choose a solution with a user-friendly mobile app for increased productivity and collaboration.

Good construction management software providers typically release updates regularly, ensuring the software stays current with industry advancements and user needs. Select a software provider with a transparent update policy and ensure updates are included in the pricing plan to avoid unexpected costs.

While both Adobe and Bluebeam offer PDF markup and management tools, Bluebeam software is custom built for AECO professionals, with industry-standard markups and real-time collaboration capabilities specially designed to simplify every phase of the construction process.

From the adb error, it seems like one or more of your activities/services or broadcast receivers declared in the manifest file are using intent filters and have not explicitly defined the tag android:exported="true". Since you are on android 13, this could certainly be the issue.

I was following the instructions from the ST wiki (How to build kernel for Android) on how to build the android kernel, however, on the last step, when instructed to build the final android images (make -j) I get the following error:

I spent some time over the weekend on this and was able to make progress. I had made a mistake when cloning the android source. Now I can build the kernel and the images successfully, however, when I load it on the board it restarts when it tries to load the kernel. I have tried this both with aosp_eval-user and aosp_eval-userdebug.

When I first started to build Android apps with react native, I was soo frustrated with the framework and almost gave up on it. This is because anytime I tried to compile the app with npx react-native run-android I run into a lot of errors. Fixing one error after days of google searching and reading through stack overflow threads, produces a different set of errors which will then take another few days to resolve and the process repeats until you eventually give up or the app miraculously compiles. It was a nightmare.

React native compiles code to a specific native platform. This means that sometime to make a package to work with a platform for example android, you have to make some changes to native code and build tools.

There are some packages that require you to install other packages for it to work correctly. take for example, @react-navigation/native library -started/, which requires you to install react-native-screens and react-native-safe-area-context. But on android devices, react-native-screens requires you to configure android/app/src/main/java//, adding the following to the MainActivity class:

Basically, what this error is trying to tell you is that this particular package does not support the Gradle version you are using for your android build. Everyone has dealt with this error at one point if you've use npx react-native init to generate a new react native application.

This happens because react-native init is always shipping the latest version of Gradle to your android project, and third party libraries might not have support for that Gradle version, making your Gradle version incompatible with the library.

All this command does is delete the previous build of the app by deleting the folders that contain them. you can delete the folders manually if you like: android/build, android/app/src/release/res, android/app/build/intermediates.

I notice I get these types of errors when I make changes to Gradle like changing the Gradle version or changing the range of android versions I support in my android/build.gradle file. When changes that affect the current android build are made, Gradle will try to delete files from the old build and create new files. This error shows that some other program is currently accessing these files and preventing them from being deleted. Most of the time it is the Metro Bundler that is preventing these files from being deleted. So you need to rebuild without running Metro. There are two ways to do this:

If you are still having trouble with these errors as I did, or are hoping to start android app development with react native, I hope this will save you a lot of time, stress and energy better spent in doing productive work.

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An MSBuild property that can be used as an alternative to/manifest/@android:versionCode in the AndroidManifest.xmlfile. To opt into this feature you must also enabletrue.This will be the default going forward in .NET 6.

@android:versionCode is an integer value that must be incrementedfor each Google Play release. See the Android documentationfor further details about the requirements for/manifest/@android:versionCode.

An MSBuild property that can be used as an alternative to/manifest/application/@android:label in the AndroidManifest.xmlfile. To opt into this feature you must also enabletrue.This will be the default going forward in .NET 6.

An MSBuild property that can be used as an alternative to/manifest/@android:versionName in the AndroidManifest.xmlfile. To opt into this feature you must also enabletrue.This will be the default going forward in .NET 6.

A boolean value that determines whetherthe Android package is debuggable, in combination with the$(DebugType) property.A debuggable package contains debug symbols, sets the//application/@android:debuggable attributeto true, and automatically adds theINTERNETpermission so that a debugger can attach to the process. An application isdebuggable if DebugSymbols is True and DebugType is either the emptystring or Full.

The JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set according to your JDK installation path. See the Setting Environment Variables section on how to set up environment variables. Alternatively as of cordova-android 10.0.0 or greater, CORDOVA_JAVA_HOME can be set in place of JAVA_HOME, allowing a JDK install to be used specifically for Cordova development.

If you need to customize the build.gradle file, rather than edit it directly, it is recommended to create a sibling file named build-extras.gradle. This file will be included by the main build.gradle script when present. This file must be placed in the app folder of the Android's platform directory (/platforms/android/app). It is recommended to use the before_build hook script to copy this file over. 0852c4b9a8

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