Wei Zhou

Phd in mathematics

DMA, Ecole Normal Supérieure, Paris

I obtained my PhD in mathematic at Université d'Orsay in 2019. My advisor is Raphaël Cerf. During my PhD, I created a new definition for the interfaces in the models of the statistical physics using some couplings between different Gibbs samplers. With the help of this new definition, I showed that the interfaces have the localisation properties in supercritical phase. Hopefully, this new definition may improve the understanding of the interfaces, especially might be useful to understand the roughening transition conjecture. My Phd thesis can be found on this link.

I also obtained my engineer's degree at Ecole Polytechnique de Paris in 2016. I was specialised in applied mathematics during my master and engineer degree, such as stochastical analysis, signal processing and optimisation. I'm looking forward to designing and improving solutions for pratical problems using my theoretic knowledge.

I'm also a tutor of several mathematical courses at Université Paris-VI.

Adress: 45, rue d'Ulm, 75005, Paris

Office: V6, passage vert, DMA

Email: wei.zhou at ens.fr

Phone: +33 (0)1 44 32 20 30