Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June 23rd, 2022

Email Address:

Moonly Games (hereinafter referred to as "we") is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of our users (hereinafter referred to as "you") by abiding by this policy and applicable laws and regulations. Please read carefully this privacy policy as it is important for you to understand how we collect and use your information.

  1. How Is Your Personal Information Collected and Used?

1.1 To ensure that you can normally use our products and services while realizing the analysis and statistics of product data and enhancing your device account's security, we or the third parties we cooperate with will collect your device ID, device name, device type, and version, system version, IP address, application ID, network connection status, network access method and type after your consent is obtained. Refusing to grant permissions to us or the third parties we cooperate with to acquire the above said information might affect your normal usage of our App or bring corresponding restrictions while you are using our App. Please be reminded that we might collect your[IMEI, IMSI, MAC address] if the system version of your android device is below 6.0. Therefore, we strongly advise you to update it to 6.0 or a higher version.

1.2 Please be reminded that we will request any permission from you.

Please be reminded that all information we collect will be anonymized and de-identified.

1.3 In order to provide you with better products or services, we have integrated third party services ( They include but are not limited to data analysis, third party payment, and advertisement. ) into our products. The third parties we cooperate with and their respective privacy policies are listed below. Please read them carefully. We encourage you to read their privacy policies to learn more information as to how they process data.


Privacy Policy

Bugly Bug Report


Firebase Remote Configuration SDK

Firebase Remote Promotion SDK

Firebase Push Message SDK

Onesignal Promotion SDK

Admob AD SDK

Facebook AD SDK

Unity AD SDK

Applovin AD SDK

Vungle AD SDK

Ironsource AD SDK

Inmobi AD SDK

Fyber AD SDK

Tapjoy AD SDK

Chatboost AD SDK


myTarget AD SDK

hybid AD SDK

maio AD SDK

mintegral AD SDK

DBT Integrated SDK

  1. How to Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

We use Cookie and similar technologies for the purpose of providing you with better products and/or services. With the help of these advanced technologies, we are able to track your game progress and learn about your game info so as to provide you with a smooth and high-quality user experience. We shall not apply the above-said technology for any other purpose that is not listed in this policy. Please understand that certain services can only be achieved with these above-said technologies. If your device or related program permits, you can turn off or delete the above-said technologies by changing settings or visiting those technology providers' websites. But this might affect your experience with our products/services.

  1. How to Share, Reveal or Transfer Your Personal Information?

When sharing, transferring, and revealing your personal information, we stick to three principles, minimum, necessary, and legal. Under no normal circumstances will we share, transfer, sell or reveal your personal information to outsiders. We will not collect your information on bealf of third party providers.

  1. How Is Your Personal Information Stored?

In order to protect your personal information, the information that we collect will be stored according to relevant privacy laws and regulations in related countries.

If we cease to provide services or operate, we and the third parties we cooperate with will stop collecting your personal information in time and shall abide by relevant laws and regulations to inform you in advance and delete or anonymize your personal data after we cease to operate or provide services unless there are laws, regulations or regulatory authority that demand otherwise.

  1. How to Protect Your Personal Information

We will make our best efforts to protect your personal information, using strict encryption technologies and industry-standard security programs and technologies to ensure that your personal data will not be lost, leaked, damaged, or abused. But the internet environment is not 100% safe. Please exercise caution when personal information is involved.

  1. How to Manage Your Personal Information

Access, update, and deletion of personal information

We fully respect your right to manage your personal information. If you wish to review, edit, or delete your personal information, please contact us via the contact information provided by us. We will make a reasonable response after your identity is verified.

  1. How Do We Process Personal Information of Minors

According to relevant laws and regulations, minors should read this privacy policy in the company of parents or legal guardians. Under no circumstances are minors allowed to use our services without parents' or legal guardians' consent to this privacy policy. Please contact us if you have questions.

  1. Your Consent

Your act of accessing or using our services indicates your guarantee that you have read, understood, and agree with this privacy policy and our terms of services. If you do not agree with any content in this privacy policy, you should stop using or accessing our services.

  1. Updates and Notifications of Privacy Policy

We will update and revise this privacy policy from time to time without depriving you of any rights you have in this current effective privacy policy. We will not make unauthorized access without your explicit consent. It is strongly recommended that you check this page frequently and refer to the last modification date listed in this privacy policy.

  1. Contact Us

Please contact us via the information provided below if you have any questions or suggestions for this privacy policy in the course of using our products and/or services. We will respond to you in a timely manner after your identity is verified.


  1. Others

Special Notification for residents in California, U.S.

If you are a resident in the state of California and wish to know related privacy information, you may contact us via the contact information provided in this privacy policy. You need to explicitly express in your request that you require a copy of "California Privacy Right Statement" and wait at least 30 business days to receive our feedback.

If you are a registered user of our service and a California resident under the age of 18 and wish to delete the content or information you have published on our service/product or stored on our servers, please contact us via the contact information provided in this privacy policy and provide us with the necessary information for us to correctly find the content or information you wish to delete.

Please be reminded that we do not need to delete or remove this content or information in other methods under the following circumstances:

A. Other state or federal laws require us or third parties to keep this content or information.

B. This content or information is posted, stored, or reposted by another user.

C. This content or information is anonymized and cannot be identified whether it is posted by or belongs to a minor.

D. The minor didn't abide by the rules and instructions published in this privacy policy regarding requesting the deletion of this kind of content or information.

E. The minor is compensated for providing this content.

In addition, any content in this clause cannot be construed as restrictions preventing law. enforcement agencies from acquiring this kind of content or information.

Special Notification for residents in the E.U.

When transmitting personal information out from the E.U., we will apply both technical and physical measures to protect your personal information in strict accordance with related laws and regulations in the E.U.. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the mechanism that we use to transmit your personal information.

We will only collect, use or store your personal information under the following circumstances:

A. You willingly and initiatively provide us with information.

B. It is collected for the purpose of providing the service(s) you demand.

C. Protect your or others' vital interest(s).

If you are a resident of the above-said country or region, you can contact us via the contact information provided in this privacy policy and provide us with the necessary information for us to correctly find the content or information you wish to delete. But if we have a right cause to keep your personal information for, take a hypothetical example, preventing fraud, we are not required to delete your personal information. Please also be reminded that there are circumstances where laws forbid us to execute your requirements, including

A. We cannot ascertain your identity.

B. What you request is deemed excessive.

C. What you request has a detrimental influence on others' rights or liberty.