
김동수 교수님 (KAIST)

수학여행을 위한 준비물

강성경 (IBS CGP)

Stable diffeomorphism of 4-manifolds

We construct an example of a cork that remains exotic after taking a connected sum with S^2 × S^2. Combined with a work of Akbulut-Ruberman, this implies the existence of an exotic pair of contractible 4-manifolds which remains absolutely exotic after taking a connected sum with S^2 × S^2.


Exact multi-parameter persistent homology of time-series data: Fast and variable one-dimensional reduction of multi-parameter persistence theory

In various applications of data classification and clustering problems, multiparameter analysis is effective and crucial because data are usually defined in multiparametric space. Multi-parameter persistent homology, an extension of persistent homology of one-parameter data analysis, has been developed for topological data analysis (TDA). Although it is conceptually attractive, multi-parameter persistent homology still has challenges in theory and practical applications. In this study, we consider time-series data and its classification and clustering problems using multiparameter persistent homology. We develop a multi-parameter filtration method based on Fourier decomposition and provide an exact formula and its interpretation of one-dimensional reduction of multi-parameter persistent homology. The exact formula implies that the one-dimensional reduction of multi-parameter persistent homology of the given time-series data is equivalent to choosing diagonal ray (standard ray) in the multi-parameter filtration space. For this, we first consider the continuousization of time-series data based on Fourier decomposition towards the construction of the exact persistent barcode formula for the Vietoris-Rips complex of the point cloud generated by sliding window embedding. The proposed method is highly efficient even if the sliding window embedding dimension and the length of time-series data are large because the method precomputes the exact barcode and the computational complexity is as low as the fast Fourier transformation of O(N log N). Further the proposed method provides a way of finding different topological inferences by trying different rays in the filtration space in no time.

정명진 (서울대학교)

Brief introduction to non-commutative geometry : the definition of the space

The noncommutative geometry provides another intuition of the notion of “space”. For example, Kontsevich defines a space as a dg-category. This modern definition is not only a practical tool by understanding commutative “non-affine” space as noncommutative “affine” space, but also a conceptual tool by generating new mathematical problems. In this talk, we will follow the history very briefly and reach the definition of space. Thus, the goal of this talk is to introduce the “modern” definition of space and additional structures on it, such as differential forms, vector fields and vector bundles.


Matroid theory arising from projective geometry

In 1935, Whitney introduced matroids as an abstraction of the linear dependency of vectors. A rank-d matroid with n elements behaves like a d-dimensional subspace of an n-dimensional Euclidean space. The (co)circuits of a matroid interpret vectors of the vector space, and the bases of a matroid interpret its Plücker coordinate. Thus, matroids play a key role not only in combinatorics but also in geometry. There were many attempts to refine the abstract properties of geometry, and one of the big successes was oriented matroids, which can be regarded as a combinatorial abstraction of point configurations and hyperplane arrangements over the reals. Recently, Baker and Bowler presented 'Matroids over partial hyperstructures' (2019), providing the view of Grassmannian over more general algebraic structures, called tracts, and unifying previous research on this topic.

We survey cryptomorphic definitions of matroids compared to properties of vector spaces. We review the historical background and introduce Baker and Bowler’s theory. Further, we investigate (even) delta-matroids arising from symplectic and orthogonal geometry.

변준혁 (서울대학교)

Asymptotic flocking dynamics of a Cucker-Smale flock

This talk introduces the Cucker-Smale (CS) model and its asymptotic behavior. The CS model is one of the most celebrated multi-agent models and has been studied extensively as it unites seemingly unrelated phenomena in nature. Due to its simple but interesting structure, the CS model has been extended and studied in various contexts. We clarify the aforementioned interesting features and how they relate to recent studies.

백형태 (경북대학교)

Introduction to ∗-Noetherian

Let R be a commutative ring with identity. Then R is a Noetherian ring if every ascending chain of ideals of R satisfies ascending chain condition (equivalently, every ideal of R is finitely generated.) In this talk, we will investigate ∗-Noetherian. To do this, we need to know the definition of star operation and define w-operation, an example of star operation. Also, we will introduce the properties of star operation and some properties of ∗-Noetherian. More precisely, we will focus on the strong Mori domain and strong Mori module, so we will focus on introducing w-operation.

이원웅 (KAIST)

Elliptic points and quadratic class groups

An ideal class group of a number field is a fundamental and crucial object in Number theory. In this talk, I’ll introduce the following three notions: ideal class groups (of imaginary quadratic fields), form class groups, and the set of equivalence classes of elliptic points for a Fuchsian group and prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between any two of them for certain Fuchsian group which is related to the quadratic ones.

박종호 교수님 (KAIST)

수학과 대학원을 졸업하고 학계에 진출한 수학자의 삶

정지수 박사님 (NAVER)

수학과 대학원을 졸업하고 취업한 수학자의 삶