The first entry in that project's $PATH is set to the virtual env itself, which uses the old Python. The 2nd entry is Python 3.10. I believe this is standard. The virtual env itself is added to the front of $PATH by virtualenverapper upon activation.

Short of manually manipulating the .zprofile or a virtalenvwrapper's postactivate script, I am wondering if there is a more sweeping and automatic way of updating a virtual environment using virtualenvwarpper?

Virtual Dj Upgrade


EDIT: I wanted to add that I am also learning git and have a repo set up in this project. I would like to ideally preserve that information through the "upgrade," which it sounds like involves creating a new env. The virtualenvs are stored on the ~user directory in .virtualenvs. The git repo is in the project directory.

You don't want to do this. As you said, even if you pulled it off you're sure to have hidden issues that'll be a major headache down the line. Fortunately, it's very easy to recreate the virtual env with exactly the same installed packages you had before but with a new Python version.

(Windows 10, python 3.9.13, in command prompt as administrator) I was beginning to learn tensorflow, and followed the steps on their website. When I tried to use the command "pip install --upgrade pip" in virtual environment, it shows me the following message:

There are three different modes an Upgrade Policy can be set to. The modes are Automatic, Rolling and Manual. The upgrade mode you choose can impact the overall service uptime of your Virtual Machine Scale Set.

Additionally, as your application processes traffic, there can be situations where you might want specific instances to be treated differently from the rest of the scale set instance. For example, certain instances in the scale set could be needed to perform additional or different tasks than the other members of the scale set. You might require these 'special' VMs not to be modified with the other instances in the scale set. In these situations, Instance Protection provides the additional controls needed to protect these instances from the various upgrades discussed in this article.

In this mode, the scale set makes no guarantees about the order of VMs being brought down. The scale set might take down all VMs at the same time when performing upgrades. If your scale set is part of a Service Fabric cluster, Automatic mode is the only available mode. For more information, see Service Fabric application upgrades.

With MaxSurge disabled, the existing instances in a scale set are brought down in batches to be upgraded. Once the upgraded batch is complete, the instances will begin taking traffic again, and the next batch will begin. This continues until all instances brought up-to-date.

With MaxSurge enabled, new instances are created and brought up-to-date with the latest scale model in batches rather than taking down the old instances for upgrades. Once complete, the new instances are added to the scale set and the old instances are removed. This continues until all instances are brought up-to-date. Rolling Upgrades with MaxSurge can help improve service uptime during upgrade events.

Select the Virtual Machine Scale Set you want to perform instance upgrades for. In the menu under Settings, select Instances and select the instances you want to upgrade. Once selected, click the Upgrade option.

Select the Virtual Machine Scale Set you want to perform instance upgrades for. In the menu under Settings, select Instances and select the instances you want to reimage. Once selected, click the Reimage option.

Using the PowerShell cmdlet Get-VMHostSupportedVersion you can see what virtual machine configuration versions your Hyper-V Host supports. When you create a virtual machine, it's created with the default configuration version. To see which virtual machine configuration versions your Hyper-V Host supports and what the default is, run the following command.

If you need to create a virtual machine that you can move to a Hyper-V Host that runs an older version of Windows, use the New-VM cmdlet with the -Version parameter. For example, to create a virtual machine named "WindowsCV5" with configuration version 5.0, run the following command:

You can only import a virtual machine if the Hyper-V host supports that configuration version. Typically, this means that you can import a virtual machine to a Hyper-V host running a newer version of Hyper-V, but you cannot import a virtual machine created on a newer version of Hyper-V to an older version of Hyper-V.

If the VM's configuration version is not listed as supported for your Hyper-V host OS in the table below, you either have to upgrade the VM configuration version to a newer version or create a new VM of the same generation using the existing virtual hard disks before you can start the VM.

When you move or import a virtual machine to a computer that runs Hyper-V on Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, or Windows 10, the virtual machine's configuration isn't automatically updated. This means that you can move the virtual machine back to a Hyper-V host that runs a previous version of Windows or Windows Server. But, this also means that you can't use some of the new virtual machine features until you manually update the configuration version.

The virtual machine configuration version represents the compatibility of the virtual machine's configuration, saved state, and snapshot files with the version of Hyper-V. When you update the configuration version, you change the file structure that is used to store the virtual machines configuration and the checkpoint files. You also update the configuration version to the latest version supported by that Hyper-V host. Upgraded virtual machines use a new configuration file format, which is designed to increase the efficiency of reading and writing virtual machine configuration data. The upgrade also reduces the potential for data corruption in the event of a storage failure.

If you have virtual machines that you created with an earlier version of Hyper-V, some features that are available on the newer host OS may not work with those virtual machines until you update the configuration version.

As a general guidance, we recommend updating the configuration version once you have successfully upgraded the virtualization hosts to a newer version of Windows and feel confident that you do not need to roll back. When you are using the cluster OS rolling upgrade feature, this would typically be after updating the cluster functional level. This way, you will benefit from new features and internal changes and optimizations as well.

Automatic Extension Upgrade is available for Azure VMs and Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets. When Automatic Extension Upgrade is enabled on a VM or scale set, the extension is upgraded automatically whenever the extension publisher releases a new version for that extension.

The extension upgrade process replaces the existing extension version on a VM with a new version of the same extension when published by the extension publisher. The health of the VM is monitored after the new extension is installed. If the VM isn't in a healthy state within 5 minutes of the upgrade completion, the extension version is rolled back to the previous version.

For scale sets with configured application health probes or Application Health extension, the upgrade waits up to 5 minutes (or the defined health probe configuration) for the VM to become healthy before upgrading the next batch. If a VM doesn't recover its health after an upgrade, then by default the previous extension version on the VM is reinstalled.

The upgrade orchestrator also tracks the percentage of VMs that become unhealthy after an upgrade. The upgrade stops if more than 20% of upgraded instances become unhealthy during the upgrade process.

The scale set upgrade orchestrator checks for the overall scale set health before upgrading every batch. During a batch upgrade, there could be other concurrent planned or unplanned maintenance activities that could impact the health of your scale set virtual machines. In such cases, if more than 20% of the scale set's instances become unhealthy, then the scale set upgrade stops at the end of current batch.

A VM or Virtual Machine Scale Set can have multiple extensions with automatic extension upgrade enabled. The same VM or scale set can also have other extensions without automatic extension upgrade enabled.

If multiple extension upgrades are available for a virtual machine, the upgrades may be batched together, but each extension upgrade is applied individually on a virtual machine. A failure on one extension doesn't impact the other extension(s) that may be upgrading. For example, if two extensions are scheduled for an upgrade, and the first extension upgrade fails, the second extension will still be upgraded.

Automatic Extension Upgrades can also be applied when a VM or virtual machine scale set has multiple extensions configured with extension sequencing. Extension sequencing is applicable for the first-time deployment of the VM, and any future extension upgrades on an extension are applied independently.

NOTE: Before accessing the web configuration interface following an upgrade, close and reopen any browser windows that were previously running the interface. If the browser window is not closed following an upgrade, the interface may not update to the latest version until the browser cache is cleared. For more information, refer to Initial Setup.

NOTE: There are no functional or performance upgrades for Crestron Virtual Control running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 9.x. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux version should only be upgraded if it is deemed necessary by your IT department.

When you import the appliance, Deep Security Manager automatically downloads Deep Security Agent software that is compatible with the operating system of the appliance's virtual machine. This agent software appears under Administration > Updates > Software > Local. When you deploy the appliance, the agent software is also deployed. be457b7860

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