Throughout the model building process, a model lives in memory and is accessible throughout the application's lifecycle. However, once the application stops running, if the model is not saved somewhere locally or remotely, it's no longer accessible. Typically models are used at some point after training in other applications either for inference or re-training. Therefore, it's important to store the model. Save and load models using the steps described in subsequent sections of this document when using data preparation and model training pipelines like the one detailed below. Although this sample uses a linear regression model, the same process applies to other ML.NET algorithms.

Most of the machine learning tutorials and discussion on the Internet I find is python, using libraries like numpy and sci-kit learn. I've found ML.NET along with the AutoML feature quite useful and easy to learn, but that is just for personal experiments. Has anyone here had experience using ML.NET in production? If so, what was the experience like?

MLNET  Write And Load Models Using Machine Learning.Net

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Matt is a Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist and AI Engineer associate and is pursuing a master's in data analytics focusing on machine learning and artificial intelligence as he continues to build and learn new things and look for ways to share them with the community.Matt is the author of Refactoring with C# and is currently creating a course on computer vision on Azure and a new book.

Even if you don't know how to write that function, you have examples of inputs and outputs to the function that you can use to create a model. Machine learning simply means taking in historical data and using algorithms to find patterns and rules in the data (e.g., training a model) that can then be applied to new data to make predictions (e.g., consuming a model).

ML.NET enables developers to use their existing .NET skills to easily integrate machine learning into almost any .NET application. This means that if C# (or F# or VB) is your programming language of choice, you no longer have to learn a new programming language, like Python or R, in order to develop your own ML models and infuse custom machine learning into your .NET apps. The framework offers tooling and features to help you easily build, train, and deploy high-quality custom machine learning models locally on your computer without requiring prior machine learning experience.

Model evaluation: Before using a trained model in production, you want to make sure it achieves the required quality when making predictions. ML.NET provides multiple evaluators related to each ML task so that you can find out the accuracy of your model, plus many more typical machine learning metrics depending on the targeted ML task.

Once you have your initial dataset configured to be used through an IDataView, you can use the IDataView like normal to perform the typical machine learning steps. You can check out a full sample app that reads data from a SQL Server database at -database-loader.

Although writing the code to train ML.NET models is easy, choosing the correct data transformations and algorithms for your data and ML scenario can be a challenge, especially if you don't have a data science background. However, with the preview release of Automated Machine Learning and tooling for ML.NET, Microsoft has automated the model selection process for you so that you can easily get started with machine learning in .NET without requiring prior machine learning knowledge.

The Automated Machine Learning feature in ML.NET (in short called AutoML) works locally on your own development computer and automatically builds and trains models with a combination of the best performing algorithm and settings. You just have to specify the machine learning task and supply the dataset, and AutoML chooses and outputs the highest quality model by trying out multiple combinations of algorithms and related algorithm options.

If you don't use Visual Studio or don't work on Windows, ML.NET also provides cross-platform tooling so that you can still use AutoML to easily create machine learning models. You can install and run the ML.NET CLI (command-line interface), a dotnet Global Tool, on any command-prompt (Windows, macOS, or Linux) to generate high-quality ML.NET models based on training datasets you provide. Like Model Builder, the ML.NET CLI also generates sample C# code to run that model plus the C# code that was used to create and train it so that you can explore the algorithm and settings that AutoML chose.

Learn about the machine learning scenarios supported by ML.NET in the ML.NET Samples GitHub repo at -mlnet-samples. You can also check out some samples written by the community or even contribute your own samples!

Check out ML.NET Model Builder at -model-builder and learn how this UI tool in Visual Studio makes it even easier to get started with Machine Learning in .NET. You can upload a file or directly connect to SQL Server and build your custom machine learning model.

Another great thing about ML.NET is that it allows us to use Tensorflow and ONNX models for inference. To use a Tensorflow model, you need to install Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow using NuGet. After installing the necessary package, you can load in a Tensorflow model using the model.LoadTensorFlowModel method. After that, you need to call the ScoreTensorFlowModel method and pass it the input and output layer names.

ML.NET makes it possible for .NET developers to easily integrate machine learning into their applications, whether console, desktop or web. It covers the full lifecycle of ML activity, from training and evaluation of models, to use and deployment. Many typical supervised and unsupervised machine learning tasks are supported, including Classification, Regression, Recommenders and Clustering. The framework also integrates with TensorFlow, giving .NET developers the ability to invoke deep learning models (suited for tasks like object detection or speech analysis) from a familiar environment.

Dynamic generation of ML models:

 As a code-first framework, ML.NET makes it is quite easy to perform dynamic generation of machine learning models, based on information not known at compile time. If your application supports dynamic content (for example, user defined schemas) and you want to integrate ML capabilities, ML.NET is an option.

If you want to use ML.NET but the idea of building pipelines, selecting trainers and evaluating models has you thinking twice, there is an option for you in the form of AutoML, a companion library for ML.NET. AutoML lowers the barrier to entry for new machine learning developers by automating parts of the lifecycle and attempting to produce an optimal machine learning model for your data. Specifically, it automatically:

Machine learning continues to be a hot topic among developers and non-developers. But, regardless of your opinion, our AI-powered companions are here to stay with applied instances of machine learning models such as ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, and Midjourney, captivating millions of users worldwide. While it may seem like a mysterious black box of magic, many of these models operate on a combination of basic tenets of machine learning: data mining, algorithms, and optimization.

ML.NET is an open-source machine learning framework for .NET applications. It is a set of APIs that can help you train, build, and ship custom machine-learning models. In addition to making custom models, you can also use ML.NET to import models from other ecosystems, using formats such as Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) specification, TensorFlow, or Infer.NET.

These ecosystems have rich pre-trained models for image classification, object detection, and speech recognition. Starting with existing models and optimizing is expected in the machine-learning space, and ML.NET makes that straightforward. Most teams will lack the resources to train current-generation models in these areas, so fine-tuning existing models allows them to benefit from the knowledge captured by these models while adapting them to their own problem space.

This article discusses how to write a simple console program for Insurance price prediction using ML.NET. This article does not discuss machine learning basics and types of algorithms. The focus of this article is how to use ML.NET for predicting the price of insurance.

You will need to find the best-performing model with the help of AutoML. Below is the code to explore multiple models. More extended training periods allow AutoML to explore more models and give better accuracy for the machine learning model.

Machine learning has long been a difficult and foreign topic for developers working in the .NET space. Historically, if you had to build a machine learning model, you needed to use programming languages like Python or R. Still today they are the most popular tools to create and train your ML models. Although these are great programming languages, if you wanted to enter the ML area, you might have the double challenge to learn ML concepts and new language tools. This is the benefit that ML brings, you can adopt a tool that you are already familiar with like .NET and NET Core, skipping the learning curve of Python and R. ML.NET allows developers to easily integrate ML in their code without leaving the .NET space and using tools that we are familiar with.

To partition the data, we split the data-set into a training and a testing sub-set using the TrainTestSplit method. In this case we use 80% of the data for training and 20% of the data for testing. Successively, there will be multiple iterations, where for each iteration the data is shuffled, so that the Training set of data and the Test set data keep changing. During each iteration we adjust the model to be more accurate. The goal of a machine learning model is to accurately make predictions on data it has not seen before. Therefore, making predictions using inputs that are the same as those it was trained on may provide misleading accuracy metrics. be457b7860

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