
Launch of a new competition award for MFL (Modern Foreign Languages), for Primary and Post-Primary students

What is it?

This award will aim to recognise the linguistic endeavours of Primary and Post-Primary students. 

The students being awarded will have to demonstrate first and foremost a love of languages and culture. They will submit projects around a yearly theme which will help to promote the value of learning a Modern Foreign Language. 

This award is funded with the help of Languages Connect (https://languagesconnect.ie/about/).

How to enter?

This year’s theme will be around the value of culture. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own culture but also on the culture of the language(s) they are studying. The projects submitted can be oral projects/ a poster/ a digital output in the target language of their choice, be it French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese or Chinese . There must be some target language on the projects submitted.

Students can submit an individual project or can submit a group project (no more than 3 students in a project).

Submit your entry via We Transfer addressed to linguistoftheyear@gmail.com

A consent form must be signed by the parent/guardian to validate the competition entry. Click on the Google Form (click on the underlined word and it will bring you the the form directly).

Theme 2023-2024

This year's theme centers around culture and identity. 

We invite students to reflect on these questions: what is my culture? How do I learn about other people's culture?

The entries could be, for example on: 

Country Exploration: Pupils will discover fun facts about the country, such as its location on the map, its flag, and interesting landmarks.

Culture Comparison: Pupils will focus on customs, traditions, and daily life. They'll identify both similarities and differences to foster cultural understanding.

Delicious Dishes: Pupils will explore the country's cuisine and select a traditional dish to showcase. They can create a simplified recipe card with images and easy-to-follow steps.

Sports and Games: Pupils will learn about sports and games enjoyed in the target language-speaking country. 

Musical Journey: Pupils will discover the music of the chosen country, including famous songs or instruments. They can listen to music samples and even create a mini musical performance.

This list is not exhaustive! 

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: 17/04/24

Winners will contacted by email.

Please not that no award or prize will be posted. Winners will need to attend the Award Ceremony in UCD to collect their award and prize. If winners cannot attend, the next winner in line will be contacted.


Competition Prizes (one prize in total per category - if students submit as a group, they will need to split the prize voucher between them):

1st Place Primary school category:100 One4all Voucher

1st Place Post-Primary school category: €100 One4all Voucher

2nd Place Primary school category: €50 One4all Voucher

2nd Place Post-Primary school category: €50 One4all Voucher

3rd Place Primary school category: €25 One4all Voucher

3rd Place Primary school category: €25 One4all Voucher

Every winner will also receive a glass trophy to be displayed in their respective schools.

"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things." 

Flora Lewis