My Story

Tom Tomeny

Welcome to my personal website. My life was transformed as I saw my son TJ, pictured above, suffer and die from a brain tumor that started in 2002 and ended his mortal life in 2005, a journey that was documented in a front page article in the national edition of the Wall St. Journal. The picure above was taken on the day he went in for his first major brain surgery at age 11, still smiling as always.

My recent life has been characterized by being willing to go into hell for the heavenly cause,  a line from a favorite song, The Impossible Dream. To read about my recent life events that inspired my candidacy for Governor, please go here

The simple key to be exalted- exalt your spouse, exalt your children, exalt your neighhors. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  I am the Founder of Talk to God Now, a network of volunteers who listen to all who contact them and show them the Way of Jesus Christ.

The best way to know who I am for the last few years is to read my Facebook posts at Treyeshua Tomeny.

I was born to good parents. They were faithful to God, each other,and their children. I was taught well, in many domains, by my mother and father.  I have been through many trials and tribulations during my life, yet have found myself highly favored by God. I have been given a great knowledge of the goodness and ways of God. To learn of me, please read my life story.

I support myself and my family by living what I call a Prophetic Lifestyle.  By praying to Jesus all day, every day, I have at least a partial mind of Christ and am able to see enough of the future to invest my savings well. And then I borrow against the savings in  that well at interest rates that are lower than the internal rates of return generated by the companies I am prompted to invest in.  This doesn't mean I do not work, it means that I constantly work for Jesus as He directs me, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and petitioning for the prisoners. Jesus is the best investment adviser ever for those who do His work.

What about public policies? I receive those from Jesus in the same way that He gives me investment advice. We live in a world of mostly evil systems that have been developed to benefit those seeking after power and money. For every evil system there is also a Jesus system that seeks first His Kingdom, and then all else works out, for everyone who follows Jesus, as well. I call this system of Jesus systems Preedom, and have started to write those down to share.