Josué Martins Gonçalves is a postdoctoral researcher in the group headed by Prof. Lucio Angnes at University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil, and honored with a prestigious research fellowship from FAPESP. He graduated in Chemistry at University Vale do Acaraú (UVA) in 2014 where conducted research in electroanalytical chemistry with Prof. Murilo S. S. Julião, and received his PhD degree from Institute of Chemistry USP, in 2019, working with nanoparticles and nanocomposites and their electrochemical applications, under supervision of Prof. Koiti Araki. His current research interests include applications of nanomaterials based on nanoparticles and graphene for use in sensors, electrocatalysis and energy conversion and storage devices.

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+55 (11) 96835-5653