Karneval der Kulturen, Berlin

Dear members of the Bahia Connection,

I would like to invite all members of the Bahia Connection in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and

Germany to the carnival in Berlin to play with the Bloco Explosão.

For the 2nd time after the pandemic it will take place again and we are really looking forward to the

carnival and our guests.

Of course we want to present ourselves to the audience with the best possible groove, so there are

requirements for participation.

You should learn/play the pieces regularly with your leaders in the local groups and master your instrument.

instrument. A recommendation for participation from your group leader is desirable.

If possible, come to our annual meeting from 12.4.-14.4.2023 in the Salvador Allende

House near Erkenschwick. There we will deepen our knowledge, present new arrangements and

we can get into the groove and have lots of fun together.

Musical greetings


Director of Bloco Explosão

Planned programme for the carnival parade:

New pieces: 6/8 Aluja, Olodum Medley, (provided they are learnt at meetings in Erkenschwick)

Old pieces with updates: Samba Reggae and Merengue (Olodum), Mambo (Muzenza),

Old pieces without updates: Malê Medley, Afro Samba 2 (Ilê Aiyê).


Expected programme in Berlin:

Friday 17.5. arrival

Saturday 18.5. 12-17h dress rehearsal at Tempelhof airfield

                                 Evening performance for everyone at the street festival at Blücherplatz

Sunday 19.5. from 10am Carnival parade

                                 Followed by a private closing party

Monday 20 May Conclusion at the street festival and journey home

We are currently in the planning stage.

Expected theme: "Water as an element":


Maximum 70 participants!

We will provide a T-shirt, possibly a costume, headgear (financed by money from the group fund).

group fund). If possible, we will organise a small party after the parade with

drinks and food for everyone.

We ask each participant to pay €10 for drinks, food and other expenses.

We have a lot to prepare for the carnival. Apply for funds for costumes, shirts etc.

We therefore need confirmation of participation in the carnival by 30 January at the latest

The organisers of the carnival need to know the exact number of participants by this date.

If you are sure that you will come, please register now. That would be great for our

planning. Of course you have to fulfil the musical requirements so that our groove is right.

If you register after 30 January, we can no longer guarantee that you will be able to take part.

can take part.

Confirmations of registration will only be processed after 30 January. Participation is only possible with the confirmation due to the maximum number of participants.