Setup Microsoft365 account

Set up Microsoft 365 through and use Microsoft apps such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, online storage, cloud-connected features, and more. If you have a Microsoft account associated with Outlook, OneDrive, Xbox Live, or Skype, you can proceed with login : Enter Product key : Microsoft 365/setup

Make sure you have created the account; however, you can use OneDrive,, Skype, or Xbox Live accounts for Sign In. If you have not purchased the Microsoft subscription yet, then don’t worry, the will take you to the correct webpage. Also, you can activate Microsoft 365 setup on Windows and Mac as well.

How can you create a Microsoft 365 account?

You can create a Microsoft account from, but you can follow another quick method; check below;

  1. Open link.

  2. Or, in other cases, go to the Microsoft Cloud Partner site.

  3. Here, look for “create a new account” and hit the tab.

  4. Otherwise, click “Sign Up” and enter the email address linked to outlook or Skype.

  5. You can also use an activated mobile number in this process and hit Next.

  6. Now, create a password and follow prompts to create a Microsoft account.

Enroll and Access Microsoft 365 at Microsoft 365/setup –

If you have the subscription to Microsoft 365, then you can enroll and access it quickly. For that, you need to visit and Sign In to the Microsoft/outlook account. Then, enroll the keycode by entering the code and submit it. You can now follow prompts if you want to install the software; otherwise, leave the step later.

How to use the Microsoft 365 product key?

Visit Microsoft to use the keycode. The Microsoft 365 product key is the 25 digits alphanumeric string that you can purchase from Microsoft store, other stores or get a retail card. Only purchasing the product key isn’t enough, hence locate the key and redeem it;

  1. Locate the keycode from the retail card’s backside or email or Microsoft store’s order history.

  2. Now, according to your purchase, visit or site.

  3. Using the “Sign In” tab, login to Microsoft 365 account.

  4. Next, either type the keycode from retail cad or paste it directly.

  5. Recheck the Microsoft keycode and follow prompts to redeem the key completely.