Winter School on Applied Algebra and Coding Theory

January 21-27, 2018

University of Würzburg


The main objective of this Winter School is to treat topics of coding theory which are usually mentioned in graduate level courses but not explained in details. These topics are important from both theoretical and practical point of view.

The Winter School is targeted to graduate students (MSc) and early stage PhD students in Mathematics, Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. The participants are assumed to have a basic knowledge of the theory of error correcting codes.


Monday, Jan 22

    • 09:00 - 12:00 Shannon lecture (P Müller)
    • 14:00 - 17:00 Complexity + McEliece Lecture (GP Nagy)

Tuesday, Jan 23

    • 09:00 - 12:00 SageLab about Shannon, Complexity and McEliece
    • 14:00 - 17:00 Delsarte Lecture (P Müller)

Wednesday, Jan 24

    • 09:00 - 12:00 SageLab about Delsarte; continuation of other SageLabs
    • 14:00 - 17:00 Rank-metric codes Lecture (A Wachter-Zeh)
    • 19:30 Dinner

Thursday, Jan 25

    • 09:00 - 12:00 SageLab about Rank-metric codes
    • Afternoon: Free program

Friday, Jan 26

    • 09:00 - 16:00 Poster preparation (results)


Lecture room

  • The university Campus Hubland Süd can be reached from the city center by bus line 10 (Bus stops "Äußeres Hubland" and "Hubland/Mensa" are good) and bus line 14 (Bus stops "Am Hubland" and "Mathematisches Institut" are good).
  • The Winter School will take place in the seminar room 'SE 10' of the Institute of Physics on the Campus Hubland Süd. (Once you are in the truly labyrinthic Physics building, follow the signs for SE 10 or Seminarraum 10.)
  • (The Institute of Mathematics of the University of Würzburg is on the Campus Hubland Nord, and can be found here. There will be no lectures.)


  • We have a limited number of reserved double rooms in the guest house of the Schönstattwerk Würzburg. (See map.)
  • Navigation to Schönstattwerk by car, bus or walking: Navigate first to the crossing Zeppelinstrasse/Am Hubland and from there use this little map.
  • In the center, there are many hotels of different price levels. (Unfortunately, the youth hostel is closed because of construction work.)


  • Shannon's Capacity Theorems for binary symmetric channels
  • Complexity of decoding, McEliece Cryptosystems, post-quantum cryptography
  • Delsarte's LP bounds for codes
  • Rank-metric codes and their applications

The participants will prepare projects and posters related to the lectures, including programming and implementations of coding theoretic algorithms in the computer algebra system SAGE.
