Wun-She Yap Personal Homepage
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science
Sungai Long Campus
Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar Sungai Long,
Cheras 43000, Kajang,
Selangor, Malaysia
Email: wunsheyap@gmail.com OR yapws@utar.edu.my
Research Interest: Information security, cryptograpy, machine learning
Education Background
Ph.D. (Information Technology), Multimedia University, Malaysia
Master of Engineering Science, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics), Multimedia University, Malaysia
Professional Membership
IET Charted Engineer
MBOT Professional Technologist
Member, Malaysian Society for Cryptology Research
Contribution to National/International
MySEAL Focus Group Committee
Panel Pakar Penilaian AKSA MySEAL
Panel Pakar Penilaian AKBA MySEAL
The Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) Examiner
Executive Committee, Malaysian Society for Cryptology Research
Vidi grant reviewer by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) reviewer by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia
Invited Speaker
MCISLS 2017: Cryptanalytic Methods Of Block Ciphers: Applications To GOST Cipher
Monash University, Australia, 2017: Template Protection Techniques
CACSF 2019: Hierarchical Gated Recurrent Neural Network With Adversarial And Virtual Adversarial Training On Text Classification
DIFCON-CITIC 2021: Introduction to Blockchain Technology
IWCFTA 2021: Design and Security Analysis: Chaotic based image encryption vs Block cipher
Guest Editor
2018: MDPI Symmetry - Special Issue on Information Technology and Its Applications 2018
2019: Wiley Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience - Special Issue on Trust Management and Security Enforcement in Internet of Things (TMSEIoT 2019)
2021: Special issue, Neural Computing and Applications
General Chair
2019: ISPEC (Click HERE)
Technical Programme Committee
2014: ProvSec, NSS, CSS, LSNS
Journal of Systems and Software, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Journal of Medical Systems, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, Security and Communication Networks, Soft Computing, International Journal of Chaos and Bifurcation, Nonlinear Dynamics, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Future Generation Computer Systems, IEEE Transactions of Information Forensics and Security, Signal Processing, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 3D Research, Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, China Communications, IEEE Access, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Multimedia, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Journal Of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Neural Computing and Applications, Scientific Reports , IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
SCI/SCIE Indexed Journal Publication
63. Improving Human Detection in the Presence of Cartoon Characters Using Retrained Deep Learning Models. To appear.
62. Advanced deep learning for multi-class colorectal cancer histopathology: integrating transfer learning and ensemble methods. To appear.
61. Wingates Voon, Yan Chai Hum, Yee Kai Tee, Wun-She Yap, Khin Wee Lai, Humaira Nisar, Hamam Mokayed. "Trapezoidal Step Scheduler for Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning in Medical Imaging". Pattern Recognition, 111316, 2025.
60. Chii Liang Ng, Denis CK Wong, Gek L Chia, Bok Min Goi, Wai Kong Lee, Wun She Yap. "A Signature Scheme Constructed from Zero Knowledge Argument of Knowledge for the Subgraph Isomorphism Problem". Theoretical Computer Science, 115180, 2025.
59. Wingates Voon, Yan Chai Hum, Yee Kai Tee, Wun-She Yap, Khin Wee Lai, Humaira Nisar, Hamam Mokayed. "IMAML-IDCP: Optimization-based meta-learning with ImageNet feature reusing for few-shot invasive ductal carcinoma grading. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 257, pp. 124969, 2024.
58. Swee Qi Pan, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Wun-She Yap, Chi Wei Ong, Yee Kai Tee. "Study of Power Equivalent Continous Approximation Based on the Recent Consensus Recommendations for Brain Tumor Imaging with Pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer at 3T". Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 2024.
57. Jiajia Lu, Wun-She Yap, Kok-Chin Khor. "PointADAM: Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation on Point Clouds with Metric Learning via Compact Feature Representation". IEEE Access, to appear.
56. Jia-Lin Chan, Wai-Kong Lee, Denis C-K Wong, Wun-She Yap, Boon-Yaik Ooi, Bok-Min Goi. "High throughput acceleration of NIST lightweight authenticated encryption schemes on GPU platform", Springer Cluster Computing, to appear.
55. Kuan-Wai Wong, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi, Denis C-K Wong, Guodong Ye. "Cryptanalysis of an image encryption scheme based on two-point diffusion strategy and Henon map". In Elsevier Journal of Information Security and Applications, volume 81, 103692, 2024. (JCR 2022 Impact Factor: 5.600)
54. Ren‐Jun Choong, Wun‐She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Lloyd Ling, Anthony Vodacek, Yee Kai Tee. "Impact of Visual Enhancement and Colour Conversion Algorithms on Remote Sound Recovery from Silent Videos". Journal of the Society for Information Display, 32(3), pp. 100-113, 2024. (JCR 2022 Impact Factor: 4.600)
53. Wingates Voon, Yan Chai Hum, Yee Kai Tee, Wun-She Yap, Humaira Nisar, Hamam Mokayed, Neha Gupta, Khin Wee Lai. "Evaluating the effectiveness of stain normalization techniques in automated grading of invasive ductal carcinoma histopathological images". Nature Scientific Reports, 13(1), 20518, 2023.
52. Ming Ping Yong, Yan Cai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Ying Loong Lee, Choon-Hian Goh, Wun-She Yap, Yee Kai Tee. "Histopathological Cancer Detection Using Intra-Domain Transfer Learning and Ensemble Learning". IEEE Access, to appear.
51. Ying-Jih Ding, Wun-She Yap, Kok-Chin Khor. "Profiling and Identifying Smurfs or Boosters on Dota 2 Using K-Means and IQR". IEEE Transactions on Game, to appear.
50. Lee Sze Foo, James R Larkin, Brad A Sutherland, Kevin J Ray, Wun-She Yap, Choon-Hian Goh, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, George Harston, Yee Kai Tee. "Investigation of Relayed Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement Effect at -1.6 ppm in an Ischemic Stroke Model ". Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 13(12), 7879, 2023. (JCR 2022 Impact Factor: 2.800)
49. Wong Yoke Kim, Yan Chai Hum, Yee Kai Tee, Wun-She Yap, Haman Mokayed, Khin Wee Lai. "A modified single image dehazing method for autonomous driving vision system". Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83 (9), 25867-25899, 2024. (JCR 2022 Impact Factor: 3.600)
48. Jia Chun Koo, Qi Ke, Yan Chai Hum, Choon Hian Goh, Khin Wee Lai, Wun-She Yap, Yee Kai Tee. "Non-annotated renal histopathological image analysis with deep ensemble learning", AME Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, to appear. (JCR 2022 Impact Factor: 2.800)
47. Yee Sin Goh , Yan Chai Hum, Ying Loong Lee, Khin Wee Lai, Wun-She Yap, Yee Kai Tee. "A Meta-Analysis: Food Production and Vegetable Crop Yields of Hydroponics", Elsevier Scientia Horticulturae, to appear. (JCR 2022 Impact Factor: 4.300)
46. Huishan Wu, Guodong Ye, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi. "Reversible blind image hiding algorithm based on compressive sensing and fusion mechanism", Elsevier Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 167, 2023. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 5.000)
45. Ming Ping Yong, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Ying Loong Lee, Choon-Hian Goh, Wun-She Yap, Yee Kai Tee. "Histopathological Gastric Cancer Detection on GasHisSDB Dataset Using Deep Ensemble Learning", MDPI Diagnostics 2023, 13(10), 1793. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 3.992)
44. Guodong Ye, Min Liu, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi. "Reversible image hiding algorithm based on compressive sensing and deep learning". 2023. In Springer Nonlinear Dynamics. To appear. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 5.741)
43. Yen-Lung Lai, Zhe Jin, Massimo Tistarelli, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi. "Breaking Free from Entropy’s Shackles: Cosine-Sensitive Error Correction for Reliable Biometric Cryptography". 2023. In IEEE Transactions of Information Forensics & Security. 18, pp. 3101-3115. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 7.231)
42. Zheng-Yan Wong, Denis C.-K. Wong, Wai-Kong Lee, Kai-Ming Mok, Wun-She Yap, and Ayesha Khalid. "KaratSaber: New Speed Records for Saber Polynomial Multiplication using Efficient Karatsuba FPGA Architecture". 2022. In IEEE Transactions of Computers. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 3.183)
41. Wingates Voon, Yan Chai Hum, , Yee Kai Tee, Wun-She Yap, Maheza Irna Mohamad Salim, Tan Tian Swee, Hamam Mokayed, Khin Wee Lai . " Performance analysis of seven Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with transfer learning for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) grading in breast histopathological images". 2022. In Nature Scientific Reports, 12, 19200. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 4.997)
40. Sheikh Abdul Hameed Ayubkhan, Wun-She Yap, Ezra Morris, Mumtaj Begam Kasim Rawthar."A Practical Intrusion Detection System based on Denoising Autoencoder and LightGBM Classifier with Improved Detection Performance". In Springer Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2022. To appear. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 3.662)
39. Xiaoling Huang, Youxia Dong, Guodong Ye, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi. “Visually meaningful image encryption algorithm based on digital signature”. In Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks, 9(1), 2023, pp. 159-165. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 6.348)
38. Shi-Ting Wong, Chian-Wen Too, Wun-She Yap, Kok-Chin Khor. "Medical equipment recognition using deep transfer learning". In Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 43(1), pp. 1001-1010, 2022. (JCR 2021 Impact Factor: 1.737)
37. Je Sen Teh, Li Jing Tham, Norziana Jamil, Wun-She Yap. "New differential cryptanalysis results for the lightweight block cipher BORON". In Elsevier Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 66, 103129, 2022. (JCR 2020 Impact Factor: 3.872)
36. Yan Chai Hum, Yee Kai Tee, Wun She Yap, Haman Mokayed, Tian Swee Tan, Maheza Irna Mohd Salim, Khin Wee Lai. “A contrast enhancement framework under uncontrolled environments based on just noticeable difference”. In Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 103, 116657, 2022. (JCR 2020 Impact Factor: 3.256)
35. Yan Chai Hum, Hou Ren Tan, Yee Kai Tee, Wun She Yap, Tian Swee Tan, Maheza Irna Mohd Salim, Khin Wee Lai. “The development of skin lesion detection application in smart handheld devices using deep neural networks”. In Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81, 41579-41610, 2022. (JCR 2020 Impact Factor: 2.752)
34. Lee Sze Foo, George Harston, Amit Mehndiratta, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Shahi- zon Azura Mohamed Mukari, Faizah Mohd Zaki, Yee Kai Tee. “Clinical translation of amide proton transfer (APT) MRI for ischemic stroke: A systematic review (2003-2020)”. In AME Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, Volume 11, No. 8, 2021. (JCR 2020 Impact Factor: 3.837)
33. Tong-Yuen Chai, Bok-Min Goi, Wun-She Yap. “Toward Better Performance for Protected Iris Bio- metric System with Confidence Matrix”. In MDPI Symmetry, Volume 13, Issue 5, p.910, 2021. (JCR 2020 Impact Factor: 2.713)
32. Xiaoling Huang, Guodong Ye, Kaixin Jiao, Bok-Min Goi, Wun-She Yap. “An Image Encryption Scheme Based on Public Key Cryptosystem and Quantum Logistic Map”. In Nature Scientific Reports. Volume 10, p. 21044, 2020. (JCR 2019 Impact Factor: 3.998)
31. Lee Sze Foo, James R Larkin, Brad A Sutherland, Kevin J Ray, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Hanani Abdul Manan, Nicola R Sibson, Yee Kai Tee. “Study of common quantification methods of amide proton transfer magnetic resonance imaging for ischemic stroke detection”. In Wiley Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Volume 85, Issue 4, pp. 2188-2200, 2021. (JCR 2019 Impact Factor: 3.635)
30.Jun-Hoe Phoon, Wai-Kong Lee, Denis C.-K. Wong, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. “Area-Time Efficient Code-based Post-quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism on FPGA”. In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, Volume 7, Issue 9, pp. 8513-8524, 2020. (JCR 2019 Impact Factor: 2.037).
29. Wai-Kong Lee, Sedat Akleylek, Denis C.-K. Wong, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi and Seong Oun Hwang. “Parallel Implementation of Nussbaumer Algorithm and Number Theoretic Transform on a GPU Plat- form: Application to qTESLA”. In Springer Journal of Supercomputing, 77, 3289-3314, 2021. (JCR 2019 Impact Factor: 2.469).
28. Kuan-Wai Wong, Wun-She Yap, Denis C.-K. Wong, Raphael C.-W. Phan and Bok-Min Goi. “Cryptanalysis of Genetic Algorithm-based Encryption Scheme”. In Springer Multimedia Tools and Applica- tions. 79, pp. 25259-25276, 2020. (JCR 2019 Impact Factor: 2.313).
27. Jun-Hoe Phoon, Wai-Kong Lee, Denis C.-K. Wong, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi, and Raphael C.-W. Phan. “Optimized IoT Cryptoprocessor Based on QC-MPDC Key Encapsulation Mechanism”. In IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Volume 7, Issue 9, pp. 8513-8524, 2020. (JCR 2019 Impact Factor: 9.936).
26. Jia-Zheng Goey, Wai-Kong Lee, Bok-Min Goi and Wun-She Yap. “Accelerating Number Theoretic Transform in GPU Platform for Fully Homomorphic Encryption”. In Springer The Journal of Supercomputing, 77, 1455-1474, 2021. (JCR 2019 Impact Factor: 2.469).
25. Lloyd Ling, Zulkifli Yusop, Wun-She Yap, Wei Lun Tan, Ming Fai Chow and Joan Lucille Ling. “A calibrated watershed specific SCS-CN method: Application to WangJiaQiao watershed in the Three Gorges Area, China”. In MDPI Water, Volume 12, Issue 1, 60, 2020. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 2.524).
24. Lee Sze Foo, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Hanani Abdul Manan and Yee Kai Tee. “Analysis of Model- Based and Model-Free CEST Effect Quantification Methods for Different Medical Applications”. In Elsevier Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 310, 106648, 2020. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 2.689).
23. Hoon-Keng Poon, Wun-She Yap, Yee-Kai Tee, Wai-Kong Lee, Bok-Min Goi. “Hierarchical gated recurrent neural network with adversarial and virtual adversarial training on text classification”. In Elsevier Neural Networks, Volume 119, pp. 299-312, 2019. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 5.785)
22. Badiul Alam, Zhe Jin, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. “An Alignment-Free Cancelable Fingerprint Template for Bio-cryptosystems”. In Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 115, pp. 20-32, 2018. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 5.273)
21. Wun-She Yap, Swee-Huay Heng and Bok-Min Goi. “Security Analysis of M-DES and Key-Based Coded Permutation Ciphers in Wireless Channels”. In IET Communications, Volume 12, Issue 10, pp. 1230-1235, 2018. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 1.443)
20. Wai-Kong Lee, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Wun-SHe Yap and Bok-Min Goi. “SPRING: A Novel Parallel Chaos-Based Image Encryption Scheme”. In Springer Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 92, Issue 2, pp. 575-593, 2018. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 4.604)
19. Jiqiang Lu, Wun-She Yap and Yongzhuang Wei. “Weak keys of the full MISTY1 block cipher for related-key amplified boomerang cryptanalysis”. In IET Information Security, Volume 12, Issue 5, pp. 389-397, 2018. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 0.949)
18. Kong-Yik Chee, Zhe Jin, Dan Wei, Ming Li, Wun-She Yap, Yen-Lung Lau and Bok-Min Goi. “Cancellable Speech Template via Random Binary Orthogonal Matrices Projection Hashing”. In Elsevier Pattern Recognition, Volume 76, pp. 273-287, 2018. (JCR 2018 Impact Factor: 5.898)
17. Min Cherng Lee, Robin Mitra, Emmanuel Lazaridis, An-Chow Lai, Yong Kheng Goh and Wun-She Yap. “Data Privacy Preserving Scheme using Generalised Linear Models”. In Elsevier Computers & Security, Volume 69, pp. 142-154, 2017. (JCR 2017 Impact Factor: 2.650)
16. Zhang Bin Loo, Poh Kit Chong, Kim Yee Lee and Wun-She Yap. “Improved Path Loss Simulation Incorporating Three-Dimensional Terrain Model Using Parallel Co-Processors”. In Hindawi-Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2017, Article ID 5492691, 11 pages. (JCR 2017 Impact Factor: 0.869)
15. Yen-Lung Lai, Zhe Jin, Andrew Beng-Jin Teoh, Bok-Min Goi, Wun-She Yap, Tong-Yuen Chai and Christian Rathgeb. “Cancellable Iris Template Generation based on Indexing-First-One Hashing”. In Elsevier Pattern Recognition, Volume 64, pp. 105-117, 2017. (JCR 2017 Impact Factor: 3.965)
14. Wun-She Yap and Raphael C.-W. Phan. “Commentary on “A block chaotic image encryption scheme based on self-adaptive modelling” [Applied Soft Computing 22 (2014) 351-357]””. In Elsevier Applied Soft Computing, Volume 52, pp. 501-504, 2017. (JCR 2017 Impact Factor: 3.907)
13. Wun-She Yap, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Bok-Min Goi, Wei-Chuen Yau and Swee-Huay Heng. “On the Effective Subkey Space of Some Image Encryption Algorithms using External Key”. In Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 40, Part A, pp. 51-57, 2016. (JCR 2016 Impact Factor: 2.164)
12. Syh-Yuan Tan and Wun-She Yap. “Cryptanalysis of a CP-ABE Scheme with Policy in Normal Forms”. In Elsevier Information Processing Letters, Volume 116, Issue 7, pp. 492-495, 2016. (JCR 2016 Impact Factor: 0.748)
11. Wun-She Yap, Raphael C.-W. Phan and Bok-Min Goi. “Cryptanalysis of a High Definition Image Encryption based on AES Modification”. In Springer Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 88, Issue 3, pp. 685-699, 2016. (JCR 2016 Impact Factor: 0.951)
10. Joseph K. Liu, Sze Ling Yeo, Wun-She Yap, Sherman S. M. Chow, Duncan S. Wong and Willy Susilo. “Faulty Instantiations of Threshold Ring Signature from Threshold Proof-of-Knowledge Protocol”. In Oxford The Computer Journal, Volume 59, Issue 7, pp. 945-954, 2016. (JCR 2016 Impact Factor: 0.711)
9. Wun-She Yap, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Wei-Chuen Yau and Swee-Huay Heng. “Cryptanalysis of a new image alternate encryption algorithm based on chaotic map”. In Springer Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 80, Issue 3, pp. 1483-1491, 2015. (JCR 2015 Impact Factor: 3.000)
8. Wun-She Yap, Joseph K. Liu, Syh-Yuan Tan and Bok-Min Goi. “On the security of a lightweight authentication and encryption scheme for mobile ad hoc network”. In Wiley Security and Communication Networks, Volume 8, Issue 17, pp. 3094-3098, 2015. (JCR 2015 Impact Factor: 0.806)
7. Jian Guo, Chunhua Su and Wun-She Yap. “An Improved Preimage Attack against HAVAL-3”. In Elsevier Information Processing Letters, Volume 115, Issue 2, pp. 386-393, 2015. (JCR 2015 Impact Factor: 0.605)
6. Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. “Forgery Attacks of an Identity-Based Multi-Proxy Signature Scheme”. In Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, Voume 29, Issue 2, pp. 283-289, 2016. (JCR 2016 Impact Factor: 1.066)
5. Jiqiang Lu, Wun-She Yap, Matt Henricksen and Swee-Huay Heng. “Differential attack on nine rounds of the SEED block cipher”. In Elsevier Information Processing Letters, Volume 114, Issue 3, pp. 116-123, 2014. (JCR 2014 Impact Factor: 0.546)
4. Wun-She Yap, Sze Ling Yeo, Swee-Huay Heng and Matt Henricksen.“Parallelizable MAC Revisited”. In Wiley Security and Communication Networks, Volume 7, Issue 7, pp. 1115-1127, 2014. (JCR 2014 Impact Factor: 0.720)
3. Wun-She Yap, Sze Ling Yeo, Swee-Huay Heng and Matt Henricksen.“Security Analysis of GCM for Communication”.In Wiley Security and Communication Networks, Volume 7, Issue 5, pages 854-864, 2014. (JCR 2014 Impact Factor: 0.720)
2. Sze Ling Yeo, Wun-She Yap, Joseph K. Liu and Matt Henricksen.“Comments on “Analysis and im- provement of a secure and efficient handover authentication based on bilinear pairing functions”. In IEEE Communications Letters, Volume 17, Issue 8, pp. 1521-1523, 2013. (JCR 2013 Impact Factor: 1.463)
1. Sherman S.M. Chow and Wun-She Yap.“Partial decryption attacks in security-mediated certificateless encryption”. In IET Information Security, Volume 3, Number 4, pp. 148-151, 2009. (JCR 2009 Impact Factor: 0.892)
Non SCI/SCIE Indexed Journal Publication
6. Wei-Chuen Yau, Wun-She Yap, Ji-Jian Chin. "On the security of a non-interactive authenticated key agreement over mobile communication networks". In Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Science, 15(S), 77-89, 2021.
5. Yee Xuan Lee, Denis C. K. Wong, Wun-She Yap. "Encryption scheme using non-abelian group based on conjugacy search problem. In ASM Sc. J., 13, 2020.
4. Badiul Alam, Zhe Jin, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. “Cancellable Fingerprint Minutiae Template Protection using Bit Toggling Technique for Privacy Preserving”. In International Journal of Cryptology Research, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 27-41, 2017.
3. Denis Wong Chee Keong, Kuan Wai Wong and Wun-She Yap. “Exhaustion 2-subsets in dihedral groups of order 2p”. In Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2018.
2. Md Iftekhar Salam, Wei-Chuen Yau, Ji-Jian Chin, Swee-Huay Heng, Huo-Chong Ling, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Geong Sen Poh, Syh-Yuan Tan and Wun-She Yap. “Implementation of searchable symmetric encryption for privacy-preserving keyword search on cloud storage”. In Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 5:19, 2015.
1. Syh-Yuan Tan, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. “Linkability Attack of an ID-based Blind Signature Scheme”. In International Journal of Cryptology Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, pages 21-27, 2015.
Conference Publication
45. Swee Qi Pan, Wun She Yap, Faizah Mohd Zaki, Shahizon Azura Binti, Mohamed Mukari, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Ramesh Kumar Athi Kumar, Siti Khadijah Hamsan, Yee Kai Tee. "Amide Proton Transfer Imaging for Gamma-knife Treatment Response in Human Brain Metastasis: A Preliminary Study". 2024 9th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC)
44. Qi Ke, Rong Gao, Wun She Yap, Yee Kai Tee, Yan Chai Hum, YuJian Gan. "Malaria Cell Images Classification with Deep Ensemble Learning". International Conference on Intelligent Computing 2024.
43. Jia-Lin Chan, Wun-She Yap, C-K Denis, Bok-Min Goi, Wai-Kong Lee. "Privacy-Preserving Detection of Helmet and Mask Wearing with Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Towards a Secure Inference Approach". 2024 IEEE 8th Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry Innovation (RTSI)
42. Ming Ping Yong, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Choon Hian Goh, Wun-She Yap, Yee Kai Tee. "Histopathological Gastric Cancer Detection Using Transfer Learning". In 2023 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICBCB).
41. Jia-Lin Chan, Bok-Min Goi, Wun-She Yap, Wai-Kong Lee, Seong Oun Hwang. "Efficient Implementation of ACORN and AEGIS-128 Authenticated Encryption on GPU for Internet of Things". In 2023 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT).
40. Sheng-Wei Sim, Ban-Hoe Kwan, Wun-She Yap, Danny Wee-Kiat Ng. "Development of an Autonomous Mobile Manipulator for Pick and Place Operation Using 3D Point Cloud". In 2022 IEEE 10th Conference on Systems, Process & Control (ICSPC).
39. Kuan Wai Wong, Wun-She Yap, Bok Min Goi and Denis Chee Keong Wong. "Pseudorandom number generator based on two-dimensional improved modular chaotic map". In ICCT 2023.
38. Sheng-Wei Sim, Ban-Hoe Kwan, Wun-She Yap, Danny Wee-Kiat Ng, Development of ROS2-based Multi-Robot Simulation for AGVs in Factory-Like Environment, IEICE Proceedings Series, International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia, 2022.
37. Kuan Wai Wong, Wun-She Yap, Bok Min Goi and Denis Chee Keong Wong. "A New Image Encryption Scheme Based on Hyperchaotic System and SHA-2". In ICDSP 2022.
36. Feng-Wei Lee, Denis C.K. Wong, Bok-Min Goi and Wun-She Yap. "Key Exchange Protocol Based on Permuted Goppa Syndrome Decoding Problem". In ICDSP 2022.
35. Jia Chun Koo, Yan Chai Hum, Khin Wee Lai, Wun-She Yap, Swaminathan Manickam and Yee Kai Tee. "Deep Machine Learning Histopathological Image Analysis for Renal Cancer Detection". In ICCAI 2022.
34. Ren-Jun Choong, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Yee Kai Tee. "A Study on the Effect of Video Resolution on the Quality of Sound Recovered using the Visual Microphone". In IVSP 2022.
33. Gee-Kok Tong, Keng-Hoong Ng, Wun-She Yap, Kok-Chin Khor. "Construction of optimal stock market portfolios using outlier detection algorithm". In International Conference on Soft Computing in Data Science 2021.
32. Yan-Bing Ho, Wun-She Yap and Kok-Chin Khor. ”The Effect of Sampling Methods on the CICIDS2017 Network Intrusion Data Set”. ICITCS 2021.
31. Ren-Jun Choong, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum and Yee Kai Tee. “Improving the Quality of Sound Recovered Using the Visual Microphone with Frame-wise Image Denoising Preprocessing”. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1627 (1), 012024.
30. Kuan-Wai Wong, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi, Denis C-K. Wong. "A new chaotic map based on logistic and beta maps". In Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2020.
29. Lee Sze Foo, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Zulaikha Kadim, Hock Woon Hon, Yee Kai Tee. ”Real- Time Baby Crying Detection in the Noisy Everyday Environment”. ICSGRC 2020.
28. Wai-Kong Lee, Sedat Akleylek, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. ”Accelerating Number Theoretic Transform in GPU Platform for qTESLA Scheme”. ISPEC 2019.
27. Lee Sze Foo, Wun-She Yap and Yee Kai Tee. ”Determination of Computationally Efficient Multi-pool Model Fitting Approach for Pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI”. ICCBS 2019.
26. Hong-Yi Tan, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. ”Performance Analysis of an Fuzzy Logic Based LEACH Protocol”. ICISA 2019.
25. Kuan-Wai Wong, Wun-She Yap, Bok-Min Goi and Denis C.-K. Wong. “Differential Cryptanalysis on Chaotic Based Image Encryption Schemes”. Accepted in CUTSE 2018.
24. Yi Xuan Lee, Denis C.-K. Wong and Wun-She Yap. “Encryption Scheme using Non-Abelian Group based on Conjugacy Search Problem”. Accepted in SKSM 2018.
23. Yat Hong Low, Wun-She Yap and Yee Kai Tee. “Convolutional Neural Network-based Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems”. Accepted in RITA 2018.
22. Hon-Sang Cheong, Wun-She Yap, Yee-Kai Tee and Wai-Kong Lee. “Hierarchical Attention Networks for Different Types of Documents with Smaller Size of Datasets”. Accepted in RITA 2018.
21. Sedat Akleylek, Bok-Min Goi, Wun-She Yap, Denis Chee-Keong Wong and Wai-Kong Lee. “Fast NTRU Encryption in GPU for Secure IoP Communication in Post-Quantum Era”. Accepted in IEEE SCI 2018.
20. Siew Yin Lee, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Bok-Min Goi and Yee Kai Tee. “Investigate the impact of colour to grayscale conversion on sound recovery via visual microphone”. Accepted in ICISPC 2018.
19. Siew Yin Lee, Wun-She Yap, Yan Chai Hum, Ban Hoe Kwan, Bok-Min Goi, Zhe Jin and Yee Kai Tee. “Study the Effect of Commonly Used Video Compression Techniques on Sound Recovery via Negligible Object Vibrations for Visual Surveillance System”. Accepted in ICAIP 2018.
18. Hoon-Keng Poon, Wun-She Yap, Yee-Kai Tee, Wai-Kong Lee and Bok-Min Goi. “Document Level Polarity Classification with Attention Gated Recurrent Unit”. Accepted in ICOIN 2018.
17. Kong-Yik Chee, Zhe Jin, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. “Two-Dimensional Winner-Takes-All Hash- ing in Template Protection based on Fingerprint and Voice Feature Level Fusion”. Accepted in APSIPA ASC 2017.
16. Yen-Lung Lai, Zhe Jin, Bok-Min Goi, Tong-Yuen Chai and Wun-She Yap. Iris Cancellable Template Generation Based on Indexing-First-One Hashing. NSS 2016, LNCS 9955, pp. 450-463, Taipei, Taiwan.
15. Min Cherng Lee, Robin Mitra, Emmanuel Lazaridis, An Chow Lai, Yong Kheng Goh and Wun-She Yap. Statistical disclosure control for data privacy using sequence of generalised linear models. ACISP 2016, LNCS 9722, pp. 77-93, Melbourne, Australia.
14. Jin Zhe, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. Fingerprint Minutiae Template Protection for Privacy Preserving. Cryptology 2016, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
13. Md Iftekhar Salam, Wei-Chuen Yau, Ji-Jian Chin, Swee-Huay Heng, Huo-Chong Ling, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Geong Sen Poh, Syh-Yuan Tan and Wun-She Yap. PrivCloud: Privacy Preserving Data Storage and Retrieval System in Cloud Computing. In Infotech 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
12. Syh-Yuan Tan, Wun-She Yap and Bok-Min Goi. Cryptanalysis of an ID-Based Blind Signature Scheme. In Cryptology 2014, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
11. Jiqiang Lu, Wun-She Yap and Yongzhuang Wei.Weak Keys of the Full MISTY1 Block Cipher for Related-Key Cryptanalysis. In The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference - CT-RSA 2013, LNCS 7779, pp. 389-404, San Francisco, CA, USA.
10. Wun-She Yap, Sze Ling Yeo and Chee Hoo Yian.Cryptanalysis of the Full CHAIN Cipher. In International Conference on Information Assurance and Security - IAS 2011, IEEE Computer Society 2011, pp. 40-45, Malacca, Malaysia.
9. Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Matthew Henricksen, Wun-She Yap, Yuto Nakano and Kazuhide Fukushima.MASHA - Low Cost Authentication with a New Stream Cipher. In Information Security Conference - ISC 2011, LNCS 7001, pp. 63-78, Xian, China.
8. Matthew Henricksen, Wun-She Yap, Chee Hoo Yian, Shinsaku Kiyomoto and Toshiaki Tanaka. Side- Channel Analysis of the K2 Stream Cipher. In Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy - ACISP 2010, LNCS 6168, pp. 53-73, Sydney, Australia.
7. Leonie Simpson, Matthew Henricksen and Wun-She Yap. Improved Cryptanalysis of the Common Scrambling Algorithm Stream Cipher. In Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy - ACISP 2009, LNCS 5594, pp. 108-121, Brisbane, Australia.
6. Wun-She Yap, Swee-Huay Heng and Bok-Min Goi. On the Security of an Identity-Based Aggregate Signature Scheme. In International Symposium on Ubiquitous Application & Security Service - UASS 2008, , IEEE Computer Society 2008, pp. 1523-1528, Okinawa, Japan.
5. Wun-She Yap, Sherman S.M. Chow, Swee-Huay Heng and Bok-Min Goi. Security Mediated Certificateless Signatures.In International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security - ACNS 2007, LNCS 4521, pp. 459-477, Zhuhai, China.
4. WISTP 2007, LNCS 4462, pp. 115-126, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
3. Swee-Huay Heng, Wun-She Yap and Khoongming Khoo. Linkability of Some Blind Signature Schemes. In Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices - WISTP 2007, LNCS 4462, pp. 80-89, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
2. Wun-She Yap, Swee-Huay Heng and Bok-Min Goi. An Efficient Certificateless Signature Scheme. In Workshop in Emerging Directions in Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing - EUC 2006 Workshops, LNCS4097, pp. 322-331, Seoul, Korea.
1. Wun-She Yap, Swee-Huay Heng and Bok-Min Goi. Certificateless Encryption Schemes Revisited. In MMU International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies - M2USIC 2006, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.