Note: Because this module modifies registry keys on clients, it is incompatible with Group Policy Objects that manage the same WSUS settings. Do not use wsus_client to configure WSUS access or automatic updates if you use Group Policies to configure such options on clients, as doing so can lead to unexpected behavior. Instead, consult Microsoft's documentation on configuring automatic updates using Group Policy.

To use wsus_client, you must have a configured and running WSUS server, and your clients must run Windows Server 2003 or newer. For more information about deploying WSUS, see Microsoft's WSUS Deployment Guide.


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Sets the URL at which your WSUS server can be reached. Valid options: fully qualified URL starting with 'http' or 'https', includingprotocol and port; 'false'; or undef. Default: undef.When set to a URL, Puppet sets the WUServer registry key to this parameter's value and the UseWUServer registry key to '1' (true).If this parameter is set to 'false', Puppet sets UseWUServer to false, disabling WSUS updates on the client. If undefined, Puppetdoes not manage WUServer or UseWUServer.Even if HTTPS is required for authentication, you can use 'http' URLs instead of 'https'. WSUS automatically switches to an HTTPSconnection when required and increments the provided port by 1. For example, if the server_url is ' :8530' and theWSUS server requires HTTPS access, the client automatically uses ' :8531' to authenticate, then downloads the updateswithout encryption via the server_url. This performs better than using SSL to encrypt binary downloads.Note: The server_url parameter is central to using wsus_client to manage updates from a WSUS server. While not strictly requiredto use the class, note that you must manage the WUServer and UseWUServer registry keys yourself if you do not set server_urland enable_status_server.

Determines whether Puppet also sets the WUStatusServer registry key, which sets the client status reporting destination.Valid options: 'true', 'false', and undef. Default: undef.If this parameter is set to true, Puppet sets the value for the WUStatusServer registry key to the server_url parameter's value.Therefore, when setting this parameter to true, you must also set the server_url parameter to a valid URL or your Puppet runwill fail with an error.If enable_status_server is set to 'false', Puppet removes the WUStatusServer registry key.Note: Windows requires the same value for WUStatusServer and WUServer, so wsus_client does not provide an option to set adifferent status server URL.

Please note: The original WSUS Offline (from is not been maintained since 2020 and doesn't support Windows 10 20H2 and later or Windows 11.

The current version is WSUS Offline Community Edition on GitLab: -/releases/12.6.1_CommunityEdition


I recently had an issue where the WSUS on my configuration manager server wouldn't work any longer. I went ahead and removed the software update point role and removed the wsus role to just start fresh. Now once it completed, I went ahead to run the post-install task, and get the errors listed in the attached temp file.

After reinstallation of the role and failure of the post-install tasks, I rebooted the server. Additionally, I have tried reinstalling using PowerShell, and still, the end result is still the same.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

But despite having tried everything, you're at at a loss. All you want is for your clients to report their current status into WSUS on demand. Is that really too much to ask? Actually, it might be. If you google "force wsus client to check in to wsus server", you'll see almost 300,000 results. And I swear I've read every single one of them and tried every single suggestion.

Ok as usually mine faultĀ 

Now its working both ways.

First and main problem was that i have been choosing wsus server names from the UDSelect and i have been passing custom ps object instead of server name to the variable $ wsus_server

And then Get-WsusServer was working fine on PS 5.1

And the second way the problem was the server name as well and also command should be ```

GetUpdateServer($wsus_server,$false,8530) - second parameter must me boolean not string. Strage it was working fine with string in pure PS but not in PU e24fc04721

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