Paul, 26, managed to get down to 183.75 pounds for his fight against Tommy Fury in February and Diaz last weighed in at 171 pounds in September to face Tony Ferguson.

Those times were the best of times. Ironically when people couldn't easily take videos or photos of themselves naked, they were more open to be seen naked in public like this. Nowadays, God forbid they have to shower naked or change in front of other people, and yet constantly send dick picks or videos of them having sex around.

Wrestlers Weigh In Naked

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Help? I'm working on my writing (see link in my profile), thinking about instances in which males, young or old, were required to be naked. Swimming, at the Y, at ivy league intramural meets. But why? Early on because of filters and the then current swim suits. Later, because aquatic directors were supposed to visually inspect males for sores and such. Draft physicals. Because there were too many men to process otherwise. Wrestler weigh-ins. Because every ounce counted. Where else do you recall male nudity being required and why (the official explanation?). Feel encouraged to challenge me on swimming, the draft and weigh-ins.

I still don't see how any kind direct contact could conceivably occur between the skin under a foreskin and someone else's skin. There are also 2 layers of cloth between both wrestlers. I don't believe that wrestling is still done in the old Greek style ...

Someone who isn't stuck with just a smartphone might be able to copy the exact link to which I found searching 'naked male school sports physical exam' for a great, detailed, first person true account of a prep school freshman encountering a very prolonged, naked sports physical he had for soccer which I borrowed for my own work.

An old post for this update. A Maine craft beer master went to Iceland for a conference. To use the public hot tubs, he first was required to get completely naked, soap up, rinse in front of a guy whose job was to enforce the rules. Then he could rent an objectionable Speedo racing style suit to put on.

Beginning in the seventh grade, my school had mandatory physical education. We had to change clothes in a large open locker room and shower in an open shower room. You were in the same class for the entire school year so I got to see everyone's penis. I remember as the start of school was approaching hoping that certain boys would be in my gym class so I could see them naked. I had required phys ed every year through twelfth grade. It was a lot of fun!

I went to school and wrestled back when wrestlers still got fully nude for weigh-ins. You could put on heavy clothes and weigh in if you and your coach wanted to put you in a higher weight class for some reason, but you HAD to have an official weigh in nude. But the nudity was also required for skin/hair/nails check.

As a side note, your Tanner stage was also part of your official stats on record. Two boys could be the same weight but if one was a higher Tanner stage, he was seen as having an advantage for a variety of reasons. Some states, including NY state, still take Tanner stage very seriously for some sports. You can Google forms that are pretty clear about it.

The showers provided no privacy, one huge room with a doorway ten feet wide that was open to the lockers, no doors so everyone walking by could see in. The first time I showered it felt so awkward I thought I would die. I was waiting for someone to comment on the fact I had never showered in gym before or notice my left nut is kinda huge. No one seemed to care about my junk, guys were talking about classes and girls and the other stuff guys talk about. I was almost done rinsing off when a guy from class spoke to me, I was mortified, talking to a naked guy while I was naked? I thought there should be a rule about that like not talking to people in an elevator. It took about a week to get used to people seeing me naked, now it seems silly. The experience made me feel more confident about my body, especially my left nut. I think schools should bring back the practice.

FULL stop: go down to the post from jakenewyork and use the link for the New York State form re: Tanner stages. If I hadn't read it I might have assumed, well, back in the day, when there was required naked swimming, etc. An eye-opener.

Around 1949 when I was 12 my aunt and uncle who raised me required that I attend the summer program at our local YMCA. Up to that time I don't think I had been naked in front of anybody except my aunt for enemas and our family doctor for check ups. I immediately found out we were required to swim nude. At first I was so embarrassed, but soon became fascinated with the opportunity to see so many other boys naked. I got interested in butts and penises very quickly. I looked forward to the sessions every day. On field trips to a local "creek" we were also required to swim nude. The banks of the "creek" were sandy. I remember two counselors having me lie on my back while they covered me with sand...genitals and all. As I look back they were probably pedophile. I was never fondled or penetrated, but there was surely lots of nudity that wasn't really necessary. This also was significant in the progression of my exhibitionism. To this a ripe old age...I look forward to opportunities to strip in the presence of others.

Penny wooden toys are turned out of a manufacturingestablishment which consists of a toy-maker,his wife, and family. When the father hasfinished his work on the lathe, the mother andchildren have each their particular share in gluing,pasting, and painting. The material for these articlesare scraps of timber bought out of builders' yards,the principal tools being the chisel and the lathe.Pewter toys are made in London in very largequantities. At one establishment a ton of metalis consumed each month in the production of Lilliputiantea, coffee, and dinner sets. English tastemay be gathered from the fact, that the numberof tea-sets made is nearly thirty times larger thaneither of the other two. Twenty-three separatearticles make up a set, and of these articles twomillions and a half are made yearly by one housealone. The metal is provided from miscellaneousgoods, such as old candlesticks, tea-pots, pots andpans, bought from 'marine' store-dealers by thehundredweight; and when melted, is formed intothe required shapes by different processes of castingin moulds. One girl can make two thousandfive hundred small tea-cups in a day. Puttingtogether the four separate pieces of a mould madeof hard gun-metal, she fills it with the moltenmetal, dips its mouth into cold water, takes it topieces, and turns out a cup that only wants trimming.

Those ships that have chosen their position forfishing take down their sails and lie as quietly atanchor as the wind will permit, the men standingin a close line at the side of the vessel. They areclothed from head to foot in knitted or flannelgarments, with waterproof capes and hats. Apetticoat of strong linen is tied round the waist,descending below the knees, and to preserve thefeet from wet they wear woollen stockings andwaterproof boots. Thick woollen gloves linedwith leather save their hands from the injury ofconstant friction from the heavy line. The wholeforms a curious picture of ragged, patched, greasy,well-tarred habiliments, which a comic pencilmight rejoice to portray. The men, indifferentto their appearance, seek only to be saved frommoisture. The lines they use are necessarily veryheavy to bring on board a fish weighing sayforty pounds. There are two hooks baited withthe entrails of fish; but the voracity of the codis such that it is scarcely necessary to be tooparticular as to the lure. Thus the men stand forsix hours consecutively, gently moving the line,and when a shake indicates a catch, lifting theheavy weight on board.

The fatigue is very great, and much of it is pureloss, as the line too often brings up another fish,called the fltan, which though very good to eat,does not bear preserving. The sailors hold thisinterloper in extreme aversion, as it often breaksthe line by its weight, and gives them muchtrouble to heave on board.

It is a fine clear day in February; and the brightsun shining without a cloud to impede his rays,lights up the hull of H.M.S. Lyre, swinging lazilyround her anchors in Yokohama Bay. Scarcely aripple can be seen on the surface of the water, andnumberless boats are darting to and fro, conveyingpassengers from the various ships to the shore. Onboard the corvette the blue-jackets and marines arereclining about the forecastle smoking and sewing,for it is Thursday afternoon, the day set apart inEnglish men-of-war for the men to make and mendtheir clothes; a concession which Jack values themore for the privilege of smoking all the afternoonwhich accompanies it. Clearly it is not a day forany one to remain cooped up in a ship, who is notdetained there by duty. So think we officers; formost of us have shifted into plain clothes, and areready to go ashore. The officer of the afternoonwatch, who is endeavouring to beguile the wearyfour hours he has to spend on deck by levelling hisspyglass at every object far and near, looks gloomilyat a party of us getting into a sampan, and remarks,with a view to cheering us up, that the glass isfalling rapidly, and he expects dirty weather beforethe night; he wouldn't go ashore if he could, &c.But we have been at sea too long to be persuadedout of anything by a little chaff; so with a partingjoke at sour grapes, we get into the crazy littlesampan, and manage to seat ourselves withoutcapsizing her, a work of some little difficulty.The four half-naked, muscular little fellows whoform our crew work their long sculls with greatvigour, keeping time to the beat of the unwieldyoars with a shrill monotonous chant, whose burdenis 'Go ashore! go ashore!'

It is a glorious view that lies before us on thatbright winter day. The long esplanade, or bund,that fringes the shore is lined with the tall whitehouses of the foreign settlement, to the southwardof which is the beautiful wooded hill called theBluff, the white cliffs of which are dazzlingly brightin the sunlight. The bungalows of the foreignresidents are for the most part on the Bluff, eachhouse inclosed in its own beautiful grounds; andhere too, about two miles from the settlement, isthe race-course, an invariable accompaniment to anylarge gathering of Englishmen in the East. Yokohamaitself lies in a valley between the Bluff onthe one hand and the Kanagawa hills on the other;but inland rises range after range of lofty mountains,and towering far above everything is thesnow-capped crest of Fusiyama, the 'peerless'mountain of Japan, which is forty-five miles distantfrom the bay where our ship is lying. Fusiyamais a volcano in the shape of a truncated cone, butno eruption has taken place for more than a century;a fortunate thing for the country, as fiftythousand people are said to have perished at itslast great outbreak, which almost destroyed thecapital, Yeddo. Shocks of earthquake are veryfrequent, though slight, in Yokohama and theneighbouring town, Kanagawa; in fact, most ofJapan is subject to these volcanic disturbances,which occasionally cause great damage. It is onthis account that the houses are built generally ofsuch slight materials, as they can endure shockswhich would infallibly overthrow any buildingconstructed after the European fashion. In thesummer, when the snow has melted from the topof Fusiyama, bands of pilgrims dressed in white,who have come from all parts of the empire to worshipthe peerless mountain, throng in great numbersalong the roads at its base. At this seasonthe ascent is often accomplished by foreignersfor the sake of the magnificent view which isobtained from the summit on a clear day; thoughwhether it is worth while going through so muchto obtain so little is of course a matter of opinion.Many people will tell you they go up for the sakeof saying they have been there, forgetting that anyone who has not been there can as easily say thesame thing. For my own part I never could seethe object of climbing a mountain only to comedown again on the other side, and therefore in mynumerous excursions into the interior of Japan, Igave Fusiyama a wide berth. Ponies are usuallyemployed by those who believe in the merits offour legs as compared to two; and the deep asheswhich cover the upper part of the mountain renderthis mode of ascent preferable to the severe labourof climbing on foot. The weather is so clear onthe day in question that the deep gullies down thesides can be easily traced by the naked eye as weare pulling ashore. be457b7860

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