Mike - MedTech

Height: 6'-1:

Weight: 205lbs

Age: Unknown

Nationality: American


Main Skill: MedTech

Skills: Diagnose Illness, Cryotank Operation, Trama, First Aid, Pharmaceuticals

Weapons: Mill Tech Avenger w/API

Cybernetics: RadioLink

Vehicles: Shared Group

Direct Contacts:

  • Vinn: Old friend; we've gotten in MANY fistfights; kind of a scumbag; may be a member of the TubeHedz... not confirmed.
  • Chelsea: Ex-girlfriend; on good terms; get together for a drink every so often; financial advisor/investor for a megacorp
  • Axel: Best friend; worked Trauma Team Intl. together for years; works NCMC ER&OR
  • Randy: Old, cranky-ass, burned out Medtech; worked together while bouncing around med clinics