
Implacable — British Tier VIII aircraft carrier.

The most advanced British aircraft carrier of World War II. She was inferior to her foreign counterparts of comparable dimensions in terms of the number of aircraft her air group comprised, but she boasted a conceptual advantage that enhanced the ship's survivability-an armored flight deck.

Ship Stats


Health: 33,866

Citadel Protection: 12.50%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 15%

Damage Reduction: 10.50%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 12%


Bow: 21 mm

Stern: 21 mm

Deck: 70 mm

Belt: 102 mm


Top Speed: 31.40 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 20.18 s

Max Traverse Speed: 4.70 deg/s

Turn Time: 13.50 s

Main Battery Guns (113 mm L/45 MK II DB 8x2)

Reload Time: 7 s

Range: 7.20 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 90 m / 246 m / 64.80 m

Sigma: 0 σ

HE Damage: 280

Fire Chance: 2%

Turret Traverse: 12 deg/s

Carrier Air Group (Barracuda Mk.V)

Dive Bomber Capacity: 21

Plane Speed: 180.62 Knots

Preparation Time: 4.60 s

Plane HP: 2,313

Maximum Bomb Dispersion: 22 m

Bomb Damage: 649

Fire Chance: 10%

Citadel Chance: 0%

Carrier Air Group (Barracuda Mk.V)

Torpedo Bomber Capacity: 21

Plane Speed: 175.06 Knots

Preparation Time: 4.70 s

Plane HP: 2,313

Arming / Maximum Range: 1.50 km / 3 km

Torpedo Spread: 0 Deg

Torpedo Damage: 1,888

Flood Chance: 15%

Carrier Air Group (Seafire Mk.II)

Fighter Capacity: 15

Plane Speed: 204.80 Knots

Preparation Time: 3.70 s

Plane HP: 2,195

Fighter Damage: 158

Fighter Attack Efficiency: 70%

Fighter Dogfight Efficiency: 60%

Anti-Aircraft Armament

Large Caliber AA Damage: 189

Large Caliber AA Range: 3.60 km

Small Caliber AA Damage: 347

Small Caliber AA Range: 1.80 km

Total AA Damage: 536


Surface Detection: 10.62 km

After Firing Guns: 12.90 km

Ship Skills and Elite Bonus

Elite Ground Service

Plane's Preparation Time: -5%

Before: 4.60 s / 4.70 s / 3.70 s

After: 4.37 s / 4.47 s / 3.52 s

Advanced Dive Bombers

Bomb Damage: +2%
Bomb chance for setting fire: +7%

Before: 649 / 10%

After: 662 / 10.70%

Carpet Bombing

Each dive bomber in the squadron will drop multiple bombs.

Ship Play-style

Historical Info