
Surrey — British Tier VII cruiser.

The epitome of design for Royal Navy cruisers of the 1920s. Like her predecessors, Surrey’s main battery consisted of eight 203 mm guns placed in turrets mounted in a super-firing position. The advantage that this project boasted was her armor protection, which perfectly matched the power of the cruiser's main battery guns.

Ship Stats


Health: 27,830

Citadel Protection: 7.50%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 12.50%

Damage Reduction: 7.50%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 9%


Bow: 16 mm

Stern: 16 mm

Deck: 40 mm

Belt: 152 mm


Top Speed: 29.73 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 13.70 s

Max Traverse Speed: 7.10 deg/s

Turn Time: 7.50 s

Main Guns (203 mm L/50 BL Mk VIII 4x2)

Reload Time: 11 s

Range: 10.51 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 66 m / 234 m / 57.60 m

Sigma: 2 σ

HE Damage: 713

Fire Chance: 9%

AP Damage: 782

Citadel Chance: 6%

Citadel Damage Rate: 200%

Turret Traverse: 8 deg/s

Torpedo Tubes (553 mm QR Mk IV 2x4)

Reload Time: 44.80 s

Range: 7.80 km

Min/Max Torpedo Spread: 0 deg / 4 deg

Torpedo Damage: 3,565

Flood Chance: 17%

Torpedo Concealment: 1.98 km

Torpedo Traverse Speed: 25 deg/s

Anti-Aircraft Armament

Large Caliber AA Damage: 166

Large Caliber AA Range: 3.30 km

Small Caliber AA Damage: 150

Small Caliber AA Range: 1.50 km

Total AA Damage: 316


Surface Detection: 8.22 km

After Firing Guns: 11.52 km

Ship Skills and Elite Bonus

Air Defense Alert I x3

Large Caliber AA damage: +75% for 20 s

Small Caliber AA damage: +75% for 20 s

Before: 166 / 150

After: 291 / 263

Cooldown time: 75 s

Smoke Generator I x1

Smoke Activation: 9 s

Smoke Time: 24 s

Cooldown: 105 s

Cruiser Modernization

Ship Hit Points: +2%

Large Caliber AA Damage: +5%

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +7%

Before: 27,830 / 166 / 8 deg/s

After: 28,387 / 174 / 8.56 deg/s

Advanced Turret

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +20%

Before: 8 deg/s

After 9.60 deg/s

Single Fire Torpedo

This ship can choose to fire off individual torpedoes in a launcher

Additional Repair Kit +1

This ship can take four repair kits in a single battle.

Ship Play-style

Surrey is a bad T7. In essence, she is a Devonshire with mild improvement to a few stats and one charge of smoke. Given that Devonshire was not competitive at T6, this ship is not competitive at T7. 



Devonshire was slightly undergunned at T6, so Surrey is decisively undergunned at T7. Her guns are essentially the same, and she still suffers from weirdly low shell damage, painfully short firing range, and a long reload. Her penetration is downright bad, which halves her effective DPM. Like her predecessors, Surrey cannot fight same-tier cruisers on even terms. 

Like other British CAs Surrey tries to be an HE spammer, but lacks the barrel count or reload to do this. She suffers from the Devonshire effect, meaning her AP shells have such low penetration that they will not overpenetrate destroyers at anything but point-blank range. Throwing AP at destroyers will yield higher damage than HE, so this is recommended. 

This ship boasts a quad torpedo launcher on each side, but these are still too short-ranged and too soft to be a game-deciding weapon. 



Surrey is poorly protected, being mediocre or bad in all aspects. Her armour is weak and profile big, meaning she catches shells and takes maximum damage. Her resistance values are all weak, meaning little damage reduction or fire resistance to speak of. This is your standard fragile British CA.



Surrey gains some speed but is still a comparatively slow and sluggish cruiser. She is reasonably sneaky when built for concealment, and this is her greatest (only) asset. Players who have survived thus far will be well versed in the evasion-heavy playstyle, and the addition of one smoke generator is welcome (though inadequate). 



Surrey has woeful anti-aircraft defence, despite her DFAA consumable. This is not a stat worth building into, nor will it prevent CV strikes. Moving on. 



Surrey is weak. The jump from Hawkins to Devonshire was big and noticeable, a significant improvement. The jump from Devonshire to Surrey feels like a step, rather than a leap. Surrey is a mediocre T6, with a few stat improvements, that fights in T7 and T8 battles. If the stats don't make you hate it, the stupid appearance will. 

Historical Info

Surrey is not a real ship, but she is based on British concepts for a proposed fourth wave of County class ships. While the main armament and hull are generally correct, the superstructure is grossly inaccurate. The ship's bridge and funnels are two decks too tall, and give the ship an awful top-heavy appearance. This layout ignores the conventions of British cruisers at the time.