
Hawkins — British Tier V cruiser.

The pioneering ship that led the way for a later class of heavy cruisers. The ship's layout and silhouette had much in common with the British light cruisers of World War I, but Hawkins surpassed them in size and the caliber of her main battery.

Ship Stats


Health: 21,952

Citadel Protection: 5%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 10%

Damage Reduction: 6%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 4.50%


Bow: 38 mm

Stern: 38 mm

Deck: 20 mm

Belt: 76 mm


Top Speed: 29.45 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 12.11 s

Max Traverse Speed: 7.20 deg/s

Turn Time: 7.50 s

Main Guns (190 mm L/45 BL Mk VI 7x1)

Reload Time: 9.50 s

Range: 10.05 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 66 m / 210 m / 64.80 m

Sigma: 2 σ

HE Damage: 616

Fire Chance: 7%

AP Damage: 694

Citadel Chance: 5%

Citadel Damage Rate: 200%

Turret Traverse: 8 deg/s

Torpedo Tubes (553 mm DR Mk II 2x2)

Reload Time: 32 s

Range: 7.20 km

Min/Max Torpedo Spread: 0 deg / 5 deg

Torpedo Damage: 3,248

Flood Chance: 15%

Torpedo Concealment: 1.98 km

Torpedo Traverse Speed: 20 deg/s

Anti-Aircraft Armament

Large Caliber AA Damage: 45

Large Caliber AA Range: 3.30 km

Small Caliber AA Damage: 22

Small Caliber AA Range: 1.50 km

Total AA Damage: 67


Surface Detection: 7.50 km

After Firing Guns: 10.20 km

Ship Skills and Elite Bonus

Air Defense Alert I x3

Large Caliber AA damage: +75% for 20 s

Small Caliber AA damage: +75% for 20 s

Before: 45 / 22

After: 79 / 39

Cooldown time: 75 s

Cruiser Modernization

Ship Hit Points: +2%

Large Caliber AA Damage: +5%

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +7%

Before: 21,952 / 45 / 8 deg/s

After: 22,391 / 47 / 8.56 deg/s

Advanced Turret

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +20%

Before: 8 deg/s

After 9.60 deg/s

Single Fire Torpedo

This ship can choose to fire off individual torpedoes in a launcher

Additional Repair Kit +1

This ship can take four repair kits in a single battle.

Ship Play-style

Hawkins is the worst cruiser at T5. Indeed she's a contender for the worst ship at T5. Hawkins is a sorry excuse for a cruiser, and serves as a deterrent to new players trying to grind the weak British CA line. This ship is characterised by very high fragility, low firepower, and a general lack of competitive stats. 



Hawkins has a main battery of 190mm guns, of which she can fire six in a broadside. These guns deal low damage and have woefully insufficient penetration, which cuts her effective DPM in half. The guns are slow to reload and have poor traverse as well. Hawkins will lose to any other T5 cruiser in a gunnery duel, and relies on unfair fights with team support to win.

Hawkins pretends to be an HE spammer, but lacks the barrel count or performance to do this. In addition, she suffers from the "Devonshire effect" meaning her AP shells have such low penetration that they will not overpenetrate destroyers. Throwing AP at destroyers will yield higher damage than HE, so this is recommended. 

This ship also has torpedoes, with two launchers on each side. These can be single fired like all British ships. However, the mediocre range and lack of alpha strike mean they are not a viable weapon. Don't attempt to base your gameplay on these. 



Hawkins has a decent HP pool for her tier, but is let down but low armour values and tiny resistance values. The ship is also relatively big for a cruiser, meaning she catches shells easily. Hawkins takes very high damage from all forms of weapons, so evasion is the ticket to survival. Combined with bad firepower, she cannot fight other ships on even terms. 



Hawkins does not boast good evasion. She is slow and sluggish for a cruiser, struggling to make 30 knots. Her acceleration and rudder shift are not special either. Hawkins also lacks a competitive concealment stat, and she is unable to take equipment which improves it. Indeed, there is nothing good present in this category.



Hawkins is a tier 5 ship with standard tier 5 AA. She cannot contest a CV, despite the presence of the DFAA 1 consumable. Moving on.



Hawkins is an ominous sign of things to come. She is the early warning to new players grinding towards the British CA line, impossibly hard to play and with very limited potential. This is a bad ship in a bad line. The best thing I can say about Hawkins is that she turns players away before they grind too far up this line. Go play the CLs instead. 

Historical Info

Hawkins is a real ship, the first British heavy cruiser. She is largely accurate in-game.