Nino Bixio

Nino Bixio — Italian Tier II cruiser.

Built shortly before the outbreak of World War I, this turbine-powered cruiser was to be used as lightweight and high-speed reconnaissance ship. The vital elements of the ship were protected by an armored deck.

Ship Stats


Health: 13,189

Citadel Protection: 7.50%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 10%

Damage Reduction: 6%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 4.50%


Bow: 6 mm

Stern: 6 mm

Deck: 16 mm

Belt: 40 mm


Top Speed: 25.98 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 11.03 s

Max Traverse Speed: 7.60 deg/s

Turn Time: 7.20 s

Main Guns (120 mm L/50 Ansaldo 1909 8x1)

Reload Time: 7.50 s

Range: 7.80 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 72 m / 150 m / 57.60 m

Sigma: 1 σ

AP Damage: 382

Citadel Chance: 4%

SAP Damage: 436

Citadel Damage Rate: 150%

Turret Traverse: 8 deg/s


Surface Detection: 6.36 km

After Firing Guns: 9.36 km

Ship Equipment, Elite Bonus and Supplies

Hull Fortification

Ship Hit Points: +4%

Before: 13,189

After: 13,717

Elite Gun Operator

Main Battery Reload Time: -3%

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +7%

Before: 7.50 s / 8 deg/s

After 7.28 s / 8.56 deg/s

Semi-Armour Piercing (SAP)

Compared to regular AP shells, SAP shells cause higher damage, but have less penetration power.

Ship Play-style

Historical Info