Alberto di Giussano

Alberto di Giussano — Italian Tier IV cruiser.

A light cruiser built as part of the first series of Condottieri-class ships. Giussano was built to counter the French large contre-torpilleurs. The ship boasted a high speed and a good set of armament for her size, which came at the expense of poor armor protection.

Ship Stats


Health: 18,928

Citadel Protection: 7.50%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 10%

Damage Reduction: 6%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 6%


Bow: 13 mm

Stern: 13 mm

Deck: 16 mm

Belt: 60 mm


Top Speed: 35.84 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 14.26 s

Max Traverse Speed: 8.10 deg/s

Turn Time: 9.30 s

Main Guns (152 mm L/53 Ansaldo 1926 4x2)

Reload Time: 9 s

Range: 9.54 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 78 m / 192 m / 57.60 m

Sigma: 1 σ

AP Damage: 526

Citadel Chance: 4%

SAP Damage: 638

Citadel Damage Rate: 150%

Turret Traverse: 9 deg/s

Torpedo Tubes (553 mm Si 270G 2x2)

Reload Time: 36 s

Range: 6.90 km

Min/Max Torpedo Spread: 2.5 deg / 5 deg

Torpedo Damage: 3,024

Flood Chance: 14%

Torpedo Concealment: 1.83 km

Torpedo Traverse Speed: 20 deg/s

Anti-Aircraft Armament

Large Caliber AA Damage: 67

Large Caliber AA Range: 3.30 km

Small Caliber AA Damage: 16

Small Caliber AA Range: 1.50 km

Total AA Damage: 83


Surface Detection: 6.90 km

After Firing Guns: 9.90 km

Ship Equipment, Elite Bonus and Supplies

Escort Specialization

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +7%

Max Speed: +3%

Large Caliber AA Damage: +5%

Before: 9 deg/s / 35.84 Knots / 67

After: 9.63 deg/s / 36.92 Knots / 70

Elite Gun Operator

Main Battery Reload Time: -3%

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +7%

Before: 9 s / 9 deg/s

After 8.73 s / 9.63 deg/s

Semi-Armour Piercing (SAP)

Compared to regular AP shells, SAP shells cause higher damage, but have less penetration power.

Ship Play-style

Historical Info