Von Der Tann

Von der Tann — German Tier III battleship.

The first German battlecruiser. She was designed for use in joint operations with Nassau-class battleships, but she significantly surpassed them in terms of speed and was almost as durable in terms of her armor protection.

Ship Stats


Health: 25,942

Citadel Protection: 10%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 10%

Damage Reduction: 12%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 10.50%


Bow: 16 mm

Stern: 16 mm

Deck: 25 mm

Belt: 250 mm


Top Speed: 26.95 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 18.23 s

Max Traverse Speed: 6.40 deg/s

Turn Time: 11.10 s

Main Guns (283 mm L/45 SK C/07 4x2)

Reload Time: 20 s

Range: 10.35 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 132 m / 336 m / 64.80 m

Sigma: 0 σ

HE Damage: 600

Fire Chance: 7%

AP Damage: 1,025

Citadel Chance: 6%

Citadel Damage Rate: 250%

Turret Traverse: 4.50 deg/s

Secondary Guns (150 mm/45 SK L/45 10x1)

Reload Time: 8.20 s

Range: 5.48 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 90 m / 228 m / 60 m

Sigma: 1 σ

HE Damage: 327

Fire Chance: 2%

AP Damage: 491

Citadel Chance: 2%

Citadel Damage Rate: 150%

Turret Traverse: 8 deg/s

Auto Secondary Guns (88 mm L/45 Flak 4x1)

Reload Time: 4.50 s

Range: 4.52 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 90 m / 240 m / 90 m

Sigma: 2 σ

HE Damage: 164

Fire Chance: 1%

Turret Traverse: 10 deg/s

Anti-Aircraft Armament

Large Caliber AA Damage: 36

Large Caliber AA Range: 3 km

Small Caliber AA Damage: 16

Small Caliber AA Range: 1.50 km

Total AA Damage: 52


Surface Detection: 8.94 km

After Firing Guns: 12.84 km

Ship Equipment, Elite Bonus and Supplies

Hull Fortification

Ship Hit Points: +4%

Before: 25,942

After: 26,980

Torpedo Nets

Torpedo Damage Reduction: +7%

Before: 10.50%

After: 11.24%

Auto Secondary Guns

The ship is equipped with lesser secondary guns, capable of automatically searching for targets within range.

Ship Play-style

Historical Info