
BougainvilleFrench Tier I cruiser.

The largest and most powerful representative of the aviso type, the French Navy equivalent of sloops and gunboats. This warship was intended for colonial service abroad and carried armament that was quite good for her size.

Ship Stats


Health: 11,236

Citadel Protection: 5%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 10%

Damage Reduction: 6%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 4.50%


Bow: 6 mm

Stern: 6 mm

Deck: 10 mm

Belt: 13 mm


Top Speed: 21.12 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 7.41 s

Max Traverse Speed: 7.20 deg/s

Turn Time: 3.90 s

Main Guns (139 mm L/40 Mle 1927 3x1)

Reload Time: 5 s

Range: 8.10 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 48 m / 126 m / 57.60 m

Sigma: 1 σ

HE Damage: 413

Fire Chance: 5%

Citadel Damage Rate: 150%

Turret Traverse: 12 deg/s


Surface Detection: 8.40 km

After Firing Guns: 11.16 km

Ship Equipment, Elite Bonus and Supplies

Hull Fortification

Ship Hit Points: +4%

Before: 11,236

After: 11,685

Elite Gun Operator

Main Battery Reload Time: -3%

Main Battery Traverse Speed: +7%

Before: 5 s / 12 deg/s

After 4.85 s / 12.84 deg/s

Ship Play-style

Historical Info