Klas Horn

Klas Horn— Pan European Tier IV destroyer.

A "standard" Swedish destroyer, commissioned as part of one of several ongoing series of destroyers that commenced in the late 1920s. The features that all the ships of this series shared were their high speeds, 120 mm Bofors main guns, and 533 mm torpedo tubes.

Ship Stats


Health: 9,520

Citadel Protection: 5%

Fire and Flooding Resistance: 10%

Damage Reduction: 3%

Torpedo Damage Reduction: 3%


Bow: 6 mm

Stern: 6 mm

Deck: 6 mm

Belt: 6 mm


Top Speed: 36.96 Knots 

Time to Full Speed: 11.23 s

Max Traverse Speed: 10.10 deg/s

Turn Time: 3.30 s

Main Guns (120 mm L/45 Bofors M1924 3x1 b)

Reload Time: 6 s

Range: 7.00 km

Dispersion Min/Max/Vertical: 30 m / 120 m / 57.60 m

Sigma: 1 σ

HE Damage: 325

Fire Chance: 3%

AP Damage: 347

Citadel Chance: 0%

Citadel Damage Rate: 150%

Turret Traverse: 15 deg/s

Torpedo Tubes (533 mm 2x3)

Reload Time: 37.50 s

Range: 6.9 km

Min/Max Torpedo Spread: 2.50 deg / 5 deg

Torpedo Damage: 1,568

Flood Chance: 33%

Torpedo Concealment: 1.83 km

Torpedo Traverse Speed: 25 deg/s

Anti-Aircraft Armament

No anti-aircraft armament is available on this ship


Surface Detection: 5.64 km

After Firing Guns: 7.38 km

Ship Equipment, Elite Bonus and Supplies

Engine Accelerator I x2

Max Speed: +8% for 25 seconds

Before: 36.96 Knots

After: 39.92 Knots

Destroyer Modernization

Ship Hit Points: +2%
Max Speed: +3%
Torpedo Tube Traverse Speed: +7%
Before: 9,520 / 36.96Knots / 25deg/s

After: 9,710/ 38.06Knots / 26.75deg/s

Elite Torpedo Operator

Torpedo Tube Reload Time: -3%

Torpedo Tube Traverse Speed: +7%

Before: 37.5 s / 25 deg/s

After: 36.38 s / 26.75 deg/s

Ship Play-style

Historical Info