WoSoCer 2018

The 8th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification

Co-located with the ISSRE 2018 conference

15-18 October 2018, Memphis, TN, USA

Important Dates

July 21, 2018: Paper submission

July 31, 2018: Paper submission

August 13, 2018: Paper notification

August 28, 2018: Camera ready

October 15, 2018: Workshop

Organizing Committee

Homa Alemzadeh, University of Virginia, USA

Barbara Gallina, Mälardalen University, Sweden

Roberto Natella, Federico II U. of Naples, Italy

Kate Netkachova, City University of London, UK

Roberto Pietrantuono, Federico II U. of Naples, Italy

Nuno Silva, CRITICAL Software S.A., Portugal

Program Committee

Nuno Antunes, University of Coimbra

Marion Lepmets, SoftComply

Rick Kuhn, Natl Institute of Standards & Technology

Jose Luis De Vara, Carlos III University of Madrid

Giuseppe Lami, ISTI - CNR

Domenico Cotroneo, Federico II University of Naples

Fuqun Huang, Institute of Interdisciplinary Scientists

Joao Carlos Cunha, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra

Jonny Vinter, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Jianwen Xiang, Wuhan University of Technology

Stefano Russo, Federico II University of Naples

Alberto Sillitti, Innopolis University

Davide Brugali, Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Davide Di Ruscio, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila

Stefan Winter, TU Darmstadt

Geoffrey Biggs, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Patrizio Pelliccione, Chalmers University of Technology

Marc Förster, RWTH Aachen University

Call for Papers

The WoSoCer workshop is a forum to discuss novel solutions for the assessment and certification of software in critical systems, and to promote their adoption through industrial and academic research projects.

We welcome contributions related to any area of critical software systems and certification. In addition, this edition of the workshop encourages contributions on a special theme currently of high relevance: the certification of robotics software.

Topics of interest include:

  • Certification and assurance of systems and services
  • Certification of software for emerging technological trends, including dynamic, autonomic, large-scale, and distributed systems
  • Certification of third-party components, software reuse and open-source software across systems and services
  • Certification and best practices of software development processes in safety- and security-critical domains
  • Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of system dependability and resilience
  • Economics of certification and standards
  • Adoption of emerging technologies and best-practices in safety- and security-critical domains
  • Open issues, practical experiences and real-world case studies
  • Cross-fertilization between safety and security certification and standards

Since 2011, WoSoCer has been a satellite event of the IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), a premier conference that emphasizes both academic excellence and industry impact.

Accepted peer-reviewed papers will be included in a supplemental volume of the ISSRE conference proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society on IEEE Xplore.

Submission Guidelines

We invite original research papers discussing ideas and novel approaches in the area of software certification and dependability.

Papers must be submitted as a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file through the submission website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=issre2018

The page limit papers is up to 8 pages. Both full-length and short papers (e.g., papers reporting on-going projects and prospective ideas, up to 4 pages) are welcome. Papers must be written in English, and be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Format Guidelines. We recommend that you embed fonts whenever possible to improve portability. We also strongly recommend you print the file and review it for integrity (fonts, symbols, equations, etc.) before submitting it. Papers that exceed the page limits specified above, are outside the scope of the workshop, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected.

All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by program committee members, with the objective of having at least three reviews for each paper. The best papers will be accepted and included in the workshop program according to the following criteria: relevance of the addressed topic to the scope of the workshop; novelty of the proposed contribution; technical relevance and practicality of presented ideas; relevance of case studies and of results for the industrial community; writing, presentation accuracy and style.

Accepted papers will be published in a supplemental volume of the ISSRE conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society, and will appear on IEEE Xplore, provided that at least one author of each accepted paper registers for the ISSRE conference and presents the paper at the workshop.

About the Past Editions of WoSoCer

Please see the following websites for more information about previous editions of WoSoCer, including talks and research papers that have been presented there.