Workshop in Logics for Multi-Agent Systems

September 1st-2nd 2022, Toulouse, France

Munyque Mittelmann's PhD Defense (IRIT, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole)

Title: Logics for Representation and Design of Auctions

Date and time: September 1st at 10 am


This thesis investigates the use of formal methods for the specification, design, and evaluation of mechanisms, with a focus on auctions. We address such challenges by introducing logic-based approaches for representing and designing auction-based markets with strategic players. Firstly, for providing a foundation for general and automated auction playing in MAS, we propose a framework for representing auctions, denoted Auction Description Language (ADL). ADL addresses important dimensions of auction-based markets and is general enough to represent most auction settings. Second, we propose a novel approach for reasoning and designing new auctions (and, in general, mechanisms) based on formal methods. Such an approach for AMD aims to automatically generate mechanisms from their specifications and verify them in relation to target economical properties. We demonstrate how this approach can express key concepts from Economic Theory (including Nash equilibrium and strategyproofness) and how it enables automatically generating optimal mechanisms from a quantitative logical specification.


The PhD defense of Munyque Mittelmann will take place in the room Salle de thèses at the Arsenal Campus of the University Toulouse 1 Capitole.

See the detailed building map here (Salle de théses is number 6 on the map).