March 6-8, 2023.

Sala 407 - Bloco H - Campus do Gragoatá - UFF.

Workshop on complex geometry and foliation theory.

A three day conference with talks and other activities.

The purpose of this meeting is to share new advances in foliation theory, complex geometry and related topics. The workshop aims to gather experts on these fields from Brazil and abroad in a gentle ambiance.  



Frank Loray

Université Rennes 1

Rennes, France.

Title: Deligne-Mumford semi-compactification of Painlevé VI equation. 

Frédéric Touzet

Université Rennes 1

Rennes, France. 

 Title: Structure of  K\"ahler foliations with negative transverse Ricci curvature (joint work with Benoît Claudon). 

Jorge Vitório Pereira


RJ, Brazil.

Title: Submanifolds with ample normal bundle. 

Carolina Araujo


RJ, Brazil.

Title: The Calabi Problem for Fano Threefolds. 

Paulo Sad


Rj, Brazil.

Title: Tipo de Ueda 1 e folheacoes. 

Sebastián Velazquez


RJ, Brazil.

Title: Stability of pullbacks of foliations on weighted projective spaces.

João Paulo Figueredo


MG, Brazil.

Title: Birational geometry of holomorphic foliations. 

Gabriel Calsamiglia


RJ, Brazil.

Title: Isoperiodic foliations in moduli spaces of mermorphic forms with simple poles 



Day 1 - Monday 6/3

10.30hs -11hs: Opening

11hs -12hs: F. Loray

12hs - 13hs: Lunch break

14hs -15hs: J. V. Pereira

15hs -16hs: J. P. Figueredo

Day 2 - Tuesday 7/3

11hs -12hs: P. Sad

12hs -13hs: Lunch break

14hs -15hs: S. Velazquez

15hs -16hs: F. Touzet

Day 3 - Wednesday 8/3

14hs -15hs: C. Araujo.

15hs -16hs: G. Calsamilgia.



Abstracts - 3.pdf


 Organizing comitee

 Maycol Falla Luza - Thiago Fassarella -  Javier Gargiulo Acea -  Olivier Thom  



Universidade Federal Fluminense

Rua Professor Marcos Waldemar de Freitas Reis, s/n, sala 407, Bloco H

Campus do Gragoatá – São Domingos

Niterói – RJ

CEP: 24210-201