
Speakers and Titles of the presentations

ALBERTI S. G. - Compressed sensing for the sparse Radon transform

BALDASSARI L. - Inverse source problems for the system of elastic-gravitational equations

BONNETIER E. - Small boundary perturbation of an elliptic equation

DE HOOP M. - Recovery of generic anisotropic stiffness tensors from partial data around one polarization

GABURRO R. - Stability and reconstruction of anisotropic conductivities

HARRACH B. - Towards global convergence for inverse coefficient problems

HYVONEN N. - Linearized inverse conductivity problem: reconstruction and Lipschitz stability for infinite-dimensional spaces of perturbations

LIN Y.-H. - The Calderón problem for a nonlocal diffusion equation

MAZZUCATO A. - Shape derivative for an inverse problem in fault monitoring

MEJRI B. - A new inversion scheme for elastic diffraction tomography

MOLA G. - On the identification of constant coefficients in a model of linear anisotropic diffusion

MOSKOW S. - The Lippmann Schwinger Lanczos algorithm for inverse scattering problems

RATTI L. - Learning a regularizer for inverse problems: from Tikhonov to sparsity promotion

RIAHI M. - Efficient Computational methods for Eddy-Current Tomography

RONDI L. - Full discretization and regularization for the Calderón problem

SANTACESARIA M. - Continuous generative neural networks for inverse problems

SCHERZER O. - Data driven regularization

SCHOTLAND J. - Inverse Born Again

SEO J. K. - Clinical use of Electrical Impedance Tomography

SINCICH E. - Size estimates for nanoplates

UHLMANN G. - The Calderón Problem for nonlinear elliptic equations and nonlocal operators

VESSELLA S. - Applications to inverse problems of the quantitative estimates of strong unique continuation

WANG Y. - Recovery of black hole mass from a single quasi-normal mode

XIAO J. - On Nonscattering Inhomogeneities

ZUBELLI J. - Inverse Problems and Option Pricing


Inverse Problems.pdf


Titles and abstracts.pdf