Organising Your Information

with a little help from ...

What's in it for you ?

The key benefits of using these Google products is to simplify the way you manage all of the different pieces of information you gather and to automate reminders {that can be sent to your computer and / or smartphone} so that you can deal with all of those important tasks when it suits you best.

What to do first.

Take a look at the presentation on the Big Picture page for diagrams and narrative that show how well the tools integrate.

Consider the devices you own, or maybe plan owning, and think about how you could use such tools to suite your needs so that you are always firmly in control. 

To get going why not start with the Google Calendar {on your computer, smartphone or tablet} and many of the things it can do. Then try using the other tools, one at a time, and see how they integrate with the Calendar. If possible use the Google Assistant App, or perhaps a Google Home speaker, to get the best results with the least effort.. 

What to do if you want to remember things.

Take a look at the Remember page that explains how the Google Assistant can remember things for you. 

The Google Assistant works using simple voice controls with a Google Home smart speaker or by voice / typed input using the smartphone App.

Some more focused Information

There are many ways of getting the most out of these tools, like visiting the recommended support pages, or via Youtube searches which can help a lot. If you just prefer to get going quickly then you'll find a handy starter list on the Information page.  

When you have time you can experiment with a few of these tips to get a feel for the different things that the products can do, and which of them suit you best.