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Is it better to work out in the morning or at night?

For men, evening training provided more benefits. For women, the answer is different.It depends on if your goal is to burn fat or build muscle. There's no wrong time to exercise, but some times may be more appropriate than others.

Informative new research into men, women, and exercise timing shows that the best time of day to exercise not only depends on your gender, but also whether you want to burn fat or get stronger.

Morning exercise in women was found to reduce abdominal fat and improve blood pressure more than evening exercise. In men, evening exercise increased fat burning and improved blood pressure control. Evening exercises also amplified the benefits of strength training, but even more so for women. The study of exercise timing is part of the rapidly developing science of chronobiology, which focuses on how the body clock influences nearly every aspect of physiology.

The human body, like other mammals, plants, reptiles, and insects, operates on an innate 24-hour circadian rhythm, with a master clock system in the brain that sends and receives biochemical signals, maintains a biological clock in cooperation with the molecular clock of Jumble to control a symphony of biological processes.

This rhythm responds to signals from the outside world, especially day and night, but also to eating, sleeping and exercise.

Recent studies in mice have enabled large groups of rodents to walk on wheels at different times of the day. Studies have shown that heart rate, fat burning, gene expression, and body weight in animals vary greatly depending on when they exercise, even if the exercise itself is the same. However, human studies on exercise timing are more contradictory. Some people have shown that exercising early in the morning, especially before breakfast, burns more fat and loses more weight, while exercising in the afternoon or evening has greater health benefits. Some suggest.

However, most of these studies were small and included only men with metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Therefore, little is known about the optimal exercise timing for healthy men. And even less about optimal timing for women. That's why the new research is so powerful.

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A real-world study of exercise timing

The study, published in Frontiers in Physiology in May, is designed to reflect real-world demographics, said the director of the Institute for Human Nutrition, Performance and Metabolism at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. Said Paul Arciero, lead author of the study.

All volunteers self-identified as male or female, and more than half of the 56 participants were female. Also, although all were healthy and physically active, they were not athletes.

The researchers tested the health, strength and fitness levels of the volunteers and randomly divided them into two groups of equal numbers of men and women. One group was asked to exercise four times a week in the morning from 6:00 am to 8:00 am. Instructed to exercise.

Each group completed identical training sessions. They lifted weights once a week. The next day, I did about 35 minutes of interval training (about 1 minute of running, swimming, biking, resting, repeating). Another day they did yoga or Pilates. They said about an hour of running, biking, or other cardio he finished his week.

The group maintained this routine for 12 weeks before returning to the lab for retesting. Everyone in the study was leaner, faster, healthier, stronger, healthier and more flexible, regardless.

Do you want to shed belly fat? Or build strength?

However, there were relevant differences between groups depending on what time of day they exercised. Researchers have found that:

Women burn more fat in the morning On average, female morning exercisers lost about 3% more body fat than evening exercisers. Much of the loss was attributed to the waistline. Women who exercise in the morning lose about 7 percent more belly fat than women who exercise in the evening. (None of the volunteers lost their total weight because they were burning fat and building muscle.)

Also, exercising in the morning significantly lowered blood pressure for women exercising more than her sessions of the same training in the evening. On the other hand, evening exercise by women amplified strength gains. Became.

For men, evening gymnastics was the clear winner in terms of health. Those who exercised at night had significantly lower cholesterol levels, while those who exercised in the morning had surprisingly slightly elevated cholesterol levels. Evening exercises also boosted fat burning in men. At the end of the study, male evening exercisers' bodies burned about 28% more fat during exercise than at the start. This is a shift that may facilitate the loss of body fat.Fat burning increased slightly in the morning group.

But for men, it was always the right time to improve their strength and fitness. I increased presses, situps, pushups, and other strength vests by about the same amount. What these results really mean is that women with specific health or fitness goals may want to improve their workout timing. If you're a woman and want to lose a few inches off your belly, you should exercise in the morning. If your goal is strength, evening workouts may be more effective.

For men, early or late training appears to be comparable to strength and fitness, but nighttime training may have particular health benefits, Arciello said." Providing individual recipes for the optimal time of day to exercise is a great way to get started," says John Hawley, director of the Exercise and Nutrition Research Program at the Australian Catholic University of Melbourne, Australia, who has studied exercise metabolism extensively. It's still in the early stages." and timing, but were not involved in this study.

For now, the study’s key takeaway is that timing may fine-tune what we gain from exercise. But we benefit, regardless, so, “any time of day that you choose to exercise is the right time,” Hawley said.

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