NOTICE 02/01/2013:

due to the nature of this instructable and the many failures that have been had by many fellow makers, i will no longer be providing support for you if you mess up your pandigital tablet. i have now in the last year alone not even have owned one of these silly things, so let it be made known, if you continue, your on your own!, so sucsess of failure will be determined on your comprehension and exact execution of these instructions. 

so it occured to me yesterday that this stupid pandigital e-reader was actually a super locked down version of andriod that lacked the regular interface, i mean Heck, it said it ran on android right on the side of the box! but since it was supposed to be a "e-reader" the manufacture locked down the front end of the system (not cool guys) so it would preform one task and one task only, but were gonna change that and this is how: 

btw: your gonna need a sd card:]


after a large community response to the flaws with pandigital's download site and their android open platform , and a desire to have the android market place, the ability to change the background, retain the ability to read E-books, and many other features its lacked, i have done extensive research into how to add this functionality back in, but in doing so i have discovered someone who has already done so, this individual goes by the name jackbox he is a member of the slatedroid forum he released 3 versions of his work all of which i have briefly tested and the best one is his second version which you can download from media fire here their is only one problem with it is that you still cant change the background easily but i found an app called AndroPaint Lite which can be installed by just copying it to the sd card and selecting it through the file browser to install it, this should give you the ability to change the background which you can download from this instructable. thanks goes out to slatedroid member jackbox!


due to users being fruskrated with thier device regardless what they try to do to it, i am including a list of urls that will tell how to restore the device back to factory settings so they can return it and get their money back cause ill admit it the pandigital novel is a complete piece of crap not worth the money.


Please note, this update is for Pandigital Novel 7" Color Multimedia eReaders only!!!!

Six Milan-based African-Italian vocalists and singers voice a complex, overarching past that is both communal and individual. Using the medium of language, the record is a multi-layered with meanings contemplating the historical weight of words. Both the city and the studio became workshops for the shaping of their complex network.

Words With Friends Free Download For Pandigital

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While the Novel has multimedia features as well as a built-in Web browser, e-mail client, calendar, and alarm, Pandigital is billing its new devices first and foremost as an e-book reader, touting its "easy access to Barnes & Noble's expansive eBookstore catalog of more than one million eBooks, newspapers and magazines, a wide variety of free eBooks and more than half a million free classics." Novel users can also use Barnes & Noble's LendMe feature that lets you share certain e-books with friends and family for 14 days; however, currently you can only lend a book out once.

hello there.. i seem to be having an issue with just getting the thing to turn on.. i have the white e reader color.. it came on once.. then the battery went dead.. ive charged it to no avail.. the only thing that populates is the pandigital blue home front page.. can you help.. how do i even know that its charged to where i can at least get it to work .. there is a light in the upper left hand corner.. its red and blinking.. ive had this thing on the charger for quite some time.. is it me??

I received the novel for Christmas and was fairly pleased. It is sometimes slow but otherwise a good little device. Last week I picked it up to resume reading and the screen cracked where I grasped the frame. Of course pandigital says that the crack is not faulty workmanship but my fault. They will not stand behind there product. It should withstand being picked up!!!! DO NOT BUY!

I just tried updating my wifes pandigital 7 inch white ereader to make it a tablet, it all went wrong and half the apps would not work including, slideme, B&N reader, plus several more. I e-mailed pandigital yesterday and got a reply today. They told me what to do and it worked so here are the instructions for anyone else with a similar problem.

i got the pandigital for christmas, and it has been a real disapointment. all of the music that i have transferred from my computer(mp3) to my pandigital shows up but will not play. i have called geeksquad but they arent much help. it seems like anything i do with this tablet is in vein! any suggestions?

Ten double sided cards each have a different single digit printed on each side. When the cards are arranged in a row a pandigital square, P, is formed. When the cards are turned over and kept in the same order the result is a different pandigital square Q. In the clues the subscripts refer to the cards in positions 1 to 10 respectively. For example if P was 6154873209 then P25 would be the four digit string 1548. In order for solvers to identify P and Q, the grid, which has 180 rotational symmetry, should be completed. In the grid no entry starts with zero and all are different. P and Q should be written underneath the grid.

The young men were so deeply engaged in their bitter reflections that they failed to notice that they had come to the edge of the forest. Suddenly, however, an exclamation from one of the brothers caused them all to look up, and lo! before them was a castle like no fastness that mortal eye had ever seen. Its walls were mossy and rugged like those of the mountains around, but here and there were projecting casements, rounded in form, which sparkled and gleamed like the balls in the young men's knapsacks, and a great dome like a gigantic diamond surmounted the castle and reflected the rays of the dying sun from a million points. But more wonderful and more grateful to the eyes of the brothers was the vision of the fairy damsels whom they beheld gazing tenderly upon them from the outer walls. With a cry of joy the hunters flew to the great gates. They found them open and unguarded, and in less time than it takes to tell the story the young men had clasped each a maiden in his arms. There is small need for words when heart speaks to heart, and all knew that they had met the desire of their souls. Together they now entered the castle, where they were met by a crowd of gorgeously attired servants, who invited the young men to refresh themselves after their toilsome march through the forest glades. They brought to them rich costumes befitting the sons of kings: robes embroidered with emeralds and pearls, and swords whose hilts and sheaths were studded with diamonds and rubies.

At these threatening words the poor maidens pleaded tearfully with their mother that she should not drop their stars from the sky; 1 but the Queen answered sorrowfully that she was powerless to save them from the fate which their disobedience hadbrought upon them.

"Where are you?" they cried, but there was no reply. Snow-white had melted in the heat of the fire, and floated away as vapour to the clouds from which she had first come in soft white flakes of snow. Her friends and playmates searched for her unavailingly, and never again did she sit with her parents by their cottage door.

No words can describe his mother's joy when Godfrey was restored to her, and his brothers and sisters would hardly let him out of their sight. The kindly neighbour made a feast for him, and his friends gathered round from far and near to listen to the story of his adventures. The courage and perseverance that he had shown under such great difficulties made them look upon him as a little hero, but what pleased him most was the fact that his father would be poor no longer. For the pearls and corals in Godfrey's little bag fetched solarge a sum that he and his wife lived in comfort for the rest of their days, and were able to give their children a good education, which they could not do before.

The poor woman was naturally disappointed, but she was grateful for his kind words. By and by another traveller appeared. This one was driving in a splendid carriage, warmly wrapped in a great fur cloak. As he caught sight of the poor creature by the roadside, he felt vaguely touched by the contrast of his own comfort with her misery. Obeying a sudden impulse, with one hand he let down the carriage window and signed to his coachman to stop, and with the other felt in his pocket. The poor old woman hurried up to the carriage, athrill of hope bringing a tinge of colour to her pale and withered cheeks.

"We will keep to our bargain," he said, and insisted upon driving him right up to his home. On the way he gave the young man some good advice that he never forgot, and ended by saying, with a kindly twinkle in his deep-set eyes: "And be careful in future not to kill pheasants before first obtaining the owner's permission, or to tell tales of your friends to the first stranger who comes your way."

"My friends," he said, when he had called together his companions, "I must leave you now, for something within me whispers that I was born to serve a king so great that fear is unknown to him; a king to whom all men bow."

In spite of all that had befallen them, the next three years were happy ones, both for Marie and her father. The old man took as much pride in the garden of their kind friends as he had done in that of the Count. He made it a bower of fragrance, and people came for miles to see his wonderful show of roses. The cuttings from his plants brought the farmer a considerable sum, and Marie was so useful about the house that the good wife often wondered how she had done without her before she came. Her baskets brought in quite as much pocket-money as she required. 0852c4b9a8

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