Policy privacy

Privacy policies

At Wordash we care about your personal data, so we have prepared this privacy policy to explain how we collect, use and share it.(hereinafter, "we", "our" or "the application") is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of our application (hereinafter, "you" or "the users"). This privacy policy describes how we collect, use and protect the personal information of the users of our application.

Personal information collected

The only personal information (if the user wishes) that we collect from our users is the name, email and a photo for the sole purpose of creating an account for Wordash, although the user does not want to create an account we will not collect any personal information of the user.

Data we record

activity time, Clicks, technical specifications, type of device, device model, OS, device location

Use of personal information

The personal information we collect is used solely for the purpose of creating and maintaining the user account in the application. It is not used for other purposes. We use the information that the user generates, such as the clicks and the progress itself, for research and analysis purposes to improve our Services, since it allows us to know what content users like the most and thus allows us to personalize the user experience.

We use cookies to save the user's progress locally, cookies are temporarily stored on the device, which allows it to work when there is no Internet connection, that is the purpose of cookies.

 Disclosure of personal information 

We do not sell, rent or share the personal information of our users with third parties for advertising purposes. We may share your personal information with third-party service providers who help us provide our Services, or to comply with a legal obligation or to protect our rights. 

Security of personal information 

The security of personal information is of the utmost importance to us. Authentication is done through the email address and a password or a specific provider, in addition to a unique ID for each user in the application. We also use technical and organizational security measures to protect users' personal data However, we cannot guarantee that the transmission of information over the Internet is completely secure. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage that may result from the loss, unauthorized access, misuse or alteration of personal information transmitted through our Services.

 Retention policy 

We keep the personal information of our users for as long as necessary to provide our Services, comply with our legal obligations or for other legitimate business purposes.

 Changes in privacy policies 

We may update these Privacy Policies at any time and without prior notice. If changes are made to the privacy policies, users will be informed through this document. 

Legal compliance 

The application complies with the laws and regulations applicable in the country where it is available. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us at overridegamescr@gmail.com 

It is important to mention that the developer of the application is Leonel Murillo any questions or concerns can be communicated to the mail  overridegamescr@gmail.com